
EDGE Conversations

Engagement, Development, Growth, Empowerment

Consistent with ASU’s focus on innovating across all levels of the university, Educational Outreach and Student Services is pleased to leverage EDGE Conversations as our annual staff evaluation process. The program is an employee-driven performance management practice centered around frequent, future-focused conversations.

EDGE Conversations focus on four key elements that drive the continuous performance management process: Engagement – Development – Growth – Empowerment. This new approach prioritizes employee development, continuous two-way discussion and career growth. As one of the largest units at ASU, EOSS is proud to adopt this future-focused performance model.

The purpose of the program as it is implemented within EOSS is to encourage and facilitate staff to take an active role in their career development. Through focusing on these four areas through training and conversations these could lead to increased performance and career fulfillment.


Managers listen to an employee’s perspective on how things are going and provide feedback.


In concert with their managers, employees drive their development plan.


Manager and employee discuss opportunities for career growth.


The manager and employee both agree on objectives or goals for the quarter and beyond.

Promoting talent development, leadership depth and organizational stability.

As an organization, Educational Outreach and Student Services will benefit from an approach that promotes talent development, leadership depth and organizational stability. EDGE Conversations will form the foundation for building relationships and creating a workplace culture that supports creativity, innovation, flexibility and inclusion. 

The first EDGE Conversations within EOSS should occur in July 2021.

Steps for employees  Steps for supervisors

Before you begin


Have a conversation with your supervisor about moving into EDGE Conversations.

Bring any questions on how to begin and the timeline.

Enroll in the EDGE course in Canvas - this is the first step in the process.

Get started


Self-enroll by visiting https://cfo.asu.edu/performance-management using Chrome.

Log into MyASU to find the class and open it.

Find the EDGE Conversations homepage.

Find the appropriate EDGE Conversations courses using the “Modules” link or by selecting the modules at the bottom of the page labeled Overview, Employee training or Supervisor training.

Take the appropriate courses in Canvas.

Be curious


Explore the Overview first.

Take the Employee training.

If you are a supervisor, you will also take the Supervisor training.

You can also check out:

  • Frequently asked questions
  • Policies
  • OHR contact information
  • Summary samples of forms

If you have technical questions, please contact the EOSS Technology Team.

Steps for employees

Once you have enrolled in Canvas, you will receive the EDGE Conversations Summary Form/Worksheet for EOSS. You can also find an EDGE Conversations Summary Form/Worksheet in Canvas in the “Electronic & PDF Forms” section.

Using your EDGE Conversations Summary Form/Worksheet, begin thinking about your achievements over the past evaluation period, current goals and goal progress, and barriers to your success. Your previous evaluation or job description will help.

You have an Enhanced Curriculum in Career EDGE with additional courses that will help you craft a more productive first EDGE Conversation. Your Career EDGE Enhanced Curriculum contains the following courses:

  • Effective listening
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • How to develop your career plan
  • Having an honest career conversation with your boss

It is recommended that you take the first two courses before your first EDGE Conversation, but feel free to explore!

  • Fill out the EDGE Conversations Summary Form/Worksheet and schedule a meeting with your supervisor.

After meeting with your supervisor, find the EDGE Conversations form you will be using for your first conversation in PeopleSoft HR. You can access it under PeopleSoft HR or by reviewing the Business Process Guide in EDGE Conversations Canvas under Electronic and PDF Forms.

Having trouble setting your goals? Watch this InLearning course.

For assistance accessing or completing training in ASU Career EDGE, please watch the video tutorial of ASU Career EDGE on the Welcome Page.

How to access EDGE in PeopleSoft?
PeopleSoft HR ‣ My Homepage ‣ ESS EDGE Conversations

  1. Once you’ve had some time to reflect on the above, complete the EDGE Conversation Summary Form using the EDGE Conversations tool in PeopleSoft HR.
  2. Schedule your EDGE Conversation with your supervisor.
  3. Hold the EDGE Conversation.
  4. Your supervisor will document the conversation in the EDGE Conversation tool, along with any additional feedback he or she would like to provide.
  5. Review your supervisor’s comments and accept the changes to the conversation.

What should you do if you don’t agree with the comments? Visit the FAQs in Canvas for more information.

Steps for supervisors

Have a brief conversation with your direct report about moving into EDGE Conversations. Questions may revolve around how to begin and timeline.

  • Do you have a current job description for your staff member? If not, think about his or her major responsibilities — what job duties are performed 60% of the time?
  • Do you want feedback from others (e.g., clients, customers, team members) about this person’s performance?
  • Have you received a request for a pre-planning meeting?

You have an Enhanced Curriculum in Career EDGE with additional courses that will help you craft a more productive discussion. Your Career EDGE Enhanced Curriculum contains the following courses:

  • Coaching and developing employees
  • Effective listening
  • Coaching skills for leaders and managers
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Leading with emotional intelligence
  • Having difficult conversations: A guide for managers

It is recommended that you take the first 4 courses before your first EDGE conversation, but feel free to explore!

Having trouble setting your goals? Watch this InLearning course.

For assistance accessing or completing training in ASU Career EDGE, please watch the video tutorial of ASU Career EDGE on the Welcome Page.

How to access EDGE in PeopleSoft as a supervisor?
Start on Step 4 of the Business Process Guide.

  1. Once your direct report completes the EDGE Conversation Summary Form in HR PeopleSoft, the system will email you.
  2. Check with your employee:
    • Would he/she like for you to submit a summary of your thoughts before the meeting?
    • Would he/she prefer to meet, and then you can document a summary of the conversation either during the meeting or afterwards?
  3. Hold the EDGE Conversation.
  4. Complete your summary.
  5. Check whether the employee meets expectations/is on track, or does not meet expectations/needs coaching.
  6. Submit for final review and acceptance by your direct report.