Payroll allows employees to process the necessary forms needed to retain employment and to better understand their role in processing hours on a biweekly basis that complies with Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) regulations.

I-9 Process
Welcome to ASU as a new or returning employee! As part of the hiring process, ASU is required to verify your employment using Form I-9 if you are working within the U.S.
To complete your I-9 verification please follow the below process
- Complete the employee section of your I-9 by visiting this link .
- Complete the employer verification requirement by scheduling an appointment . Please have your acceptable documents in hand before your appointment, you can review the accepted documents here .
- If you are here under F-1, J-1, H-1B, or O-1 Visa you will need to provide your:
Passport, Visa, I-94, I-20/DS-2019/I-797 or EAD card, if applicable
- If you are here under F-1, J-1, H-1B, or O-1 Visa you will need to provide your:
- If you cannot complete your I-9 by your deadline date based on the appointment schedule:
- See if your department has a Departmental Certifier. (Reach out to your department directly - not all departments list their certifiers on the general list.)
- Review appointments at other ASU locations than your home campus.
- Reach out to the Office of Human Resources (OHR) regarding their appointment schedule.
- If you are unable to schedule an appointment by your deadline date, schedule your appointment through the remote Form I-9 instructions.
- Complete the Out-of-State Employee form, if not already completed and route to your HR department for review and approval routing
- New employees outside of Arizona must follow these remote Form I-9 instructions to complete the form.
If you are actively working for ASU while you reside outside the US, the I-9 requirement is delayed until you arrive in the US.
However, approval is required to work outside of the US. As we do not have record of your approval to be working from outside of the US, reply all to this email if you are working outside of the US.
These instructions, links, and contact information for HR are also listed: ASU Human Resources website.
Time and Leave Reporting
All hours worked or leave taken must be submitted each pay period in a timely manner to ensure an employee’s paycheck is correct. Any hours not submitted or approved by the second Friday at 12:00 p.m. may not be paid in a timely manner. The Department Time Administrator will approve all hours for payment by 12:00 p.m. the Monday following the end of the pay period only after the direct supervisor has approved within Time Administration System (TAS).
Time and leave reporting responsibilities
Hourly Employee: Responsible for reporting all hours in TAS and PeopleSoft though My ASU
Salaried Employee: Responsible for reporting hours taken off (Sick, Vac, etc) ONLY in TAS and PeopleSoft though My ASU
Supervisor: Responsible for reviewing and approving all hours in TAS
Department Time Administrator: Responsible for reviewing and approving all hours approved by the supervisor in PeopleSoft and resolving discrepancies within TAS.
Time entered in both TAS and My ASU must match. Any discrepancies may delay the payroll process.
SubItUp: Employees that use SubItUp are to defer to their department in how to execute hours as it may vary between units.
Understanding your Paycheck
Biweekly Pay Periods
The bi-weekly pay period begins on Monday and ends on the second Sunday. The pay day for each bi-weekly pay period occurs the Friday following the end of the pay period. Specific dates for each pay period can be found by viewing the Payroll Calendars online. General information, processes, and more can be found on the ASU Payroll page.
ASU Holidays
ASU recognizes the following Holiday Schedule
Tax Withholding of Student Wages
Wages paid to a student employee through the payroll system are subject to federal income tax, state income tax, and FICA (Social Security and Medicare) withholdings. Federal and state taxes are dependent on the student’s gross income and how the student files their W-4 and A-4 forms. The number of credit hours a student is enrolled for at the end of the drop/add period determines where or not FICA tax is withheld. For information on credit hours requirement, please visit
Direct Deposit
Strongly recommended that employees sign up for (or update) Direct Deposit. Go to My ASU > My Employment > Payroll > Direct Deposit and follow instructions to set up your direct deposit information.
* Note, Entries will not be available during Payroll Confirmation. If immediate adjustment is required please contact your EOSS HR representative.
More information
Your W-2 reports all taxable wages received during the calendar year and all taxes withheld from those wages. The form is like an annual report that enables you to file your personal federal and state income tax returns. Even if you have consented to receive your W-2 electronically, you can review your W-2s dating back to 2013.
Annual W-2s include all employee wages paid between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of the previous year. Wages earned after Dec. 26 of the current year will be paid in January of the following year and are not included on the current W-2.
Find your year-to-date earnings, taxes and deductions to reconcile your W-2 in My ASU > My Employment > Payroll tab > View Paycheck > select the final pay date for the year.