
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), also known as the “Divine Nine” is the coordinating body for the historically African-American fraternities and sororities at Arizona State University. Originally formed in 1930 at Howard University, the purpose of the NPHC is "unanimity of thought and action as far as possible in the conduct of Greek-letter collegiate fraternities and sororities, and to consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations." NPHC honors the historical spirit of community service, cooperation, cultural consciousness, scholarship, servant leadership and unity.

For more information explore the Greek Life Guidebook

NPHC Officers

PresidentJasmine Rawlespresident.asunphc@gmail.com
Vice President InternalTobi Alukointernalvp.asunphc@gmail.com
Vice President ExternalAlex Fordexternalvp.asunphc@gmail.com
Secretary secretary.asunphc@gmail.com
TreasurerKhadidiatou Diengtreasurer.asunphc@gmail.com
Public Relations ChairVolney Griffinpublicrelationschair.asunphc@gmail.com
Community Service ChairSydney Renfocommunityservicechair.asunphc@gmail.com
Academic Chair academicchair.asunphc@gmail.com


NPHC Chapters

Signature Events

  • Cultural Greek Open House - an opportunity to meet and learn more about the fraternities and sororities of the MGC, NALFO, and NPHC councils. Each organization will be there to share information about their fraternity or sorority and to provide information on how to join. The organizations will also be showcasing their traditions of stepping, strolling, or saluting.
    • - August 28, 2024, 6:30 pm., Student Pavilion Senita Ballroom
  • Round Robin - an opportunity for students interested in joining an NPHC organization to gather more information about each of the chapters in the council. The women will rotate between rooms to learn about each sorority and the men will rotate between rooms to learn about each fraternity.
    • - August 29, 2024, 6:30 pm, Greek Leadership Community Center
  • NPHC Week - a weeklong celebration of the unity and culture of NPHC organizations. During NPHC Week the council will host a number of events centered on academic achievement, community service, and student leader development.
  • NPHC Family Weekend Step Show - an event to provide organizations from NPHC an opportunity to compete against each other in a stepping, strolling, and/or dancing competition while all attendees learn about the historical relevance and importance of the dances to culturally-based Greek-letter organizations.
    • - October 4, 2024, Student Pavilion Senita Ballroom

How to Join

For information about NPHC intake, please visit the How to Join page