Young Adult Writing Program (YAWP) - Online


A component of the Central Arizona Writing Project, YAWP (Young Adult Writing Program) is designed to offer young writers a non-evaluative environment to explore the power of writing. Our camps will offer in-person and online YAWP courses in June 2023. Offering time and inspiration, YAWP sessions support writers in a collaborative atmosphere where they can share works in progress. YAWP sessions engage young writers in crafting a variety of forms based on the theme and focus of the camp. The creative writing camps, for example, focus on writing such as poems, autobiographical sketches, heart maps, short stories, arguments, nature/science, craft secrets, and daily writing workshops. Each camper will share a final piece of writing for publication in the camp anthology.
Brianna Rodriguez
Brianna Rodriguez
May 29, 2023
8AM - 12PM
Monday - Friday