Submit Legislation to the Assembly
Submit Legislation to the Assembly
Use this legislation template to help you structure and format your legislation.
With the passage of AB 16, during the GPSA Assembly’s Nineteenth Legislative Session (in ASU’s 2020-2021 academic year), any graduate or professional student enrolled in at least one graduate credit may submit a legislative motion to the GPSA Assembly for complete consideration, review, and possible adoption by the first (1st) day of each month at 11:59 PM (Arizona Local Time) via the following procedure:
Reach out to one of the following if you would like assistance with drafting or pre-submission review of your legislative motion (not required, but highly recommended):
1.1 a GPSA Assembly Member representing your study program, school, or college;
1.2 the GPSA Assembly President (Farah Najar Arevalo, gpsaassembly@gmail.com);
1.3 the GPSA Assembly President pro tempore (Zee Wilson, zeewilson@asu.edu);
1.4 the GPSA Assembly Parliamentarian/Secretary (Sean McAllister, Sean.mcallister@asu.edu):
Once the draft proposal of your legislative motion is complete and ready for review submission to the GPSA Assembly for further consideration, it must be sent via email directly to the GPSA Assembly Parliamentarian/Secretary and Chairperson of the GPSA Assembly Government Operations Committee (Sean McAllister, Sean.mcallister@asu.edu) by no later than the first (1st) day of each month at 11:59 PM (Arizona Local Time).
The Government Operations Committee typically meets on the first (1st) Friday after the first (1st) day of each month to review pending and duly-submitted legislative motions for formatting (e.g., spelling, grammar, and other stylistic components), actionability, and quality assurance that the proposed legislative motion will factually and materially achieve the desired results, outcomes, or intended impact sought by the motion’s original authors within seven (7) calendar days of the submission deadline set forth above. The Government Operations Committee will substantively discuss, offer suggested amendments, and vote to advance the legislative motion as ready for further consideration by the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee, or may decline advancement of the legislative motion, effectively returning it to the motion’s original author(s)/committee members to address necessary revisions before the motion can be resubmitted or reconsidered by the GPSA Assembly or its various committees.
3.1 If the Government Operations Committee determines that substantial revisions are necessary, the committee will return it to the legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members with notes, comments, or other potential feedback on improving the legislative motion. The legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members will be given no less than two (2) calendar days to edit, revise, and modify the proposed legislative motion and re-submit the revised draft to the Government Operations Committee’s chairperson (Sean McAllister, Sean.mcallister@asu.edu), who will conduct a final review of the revised legislative motion for that month. If the Government Operations Committee’s chairperson determines that the proposed legislative motion revisions still require further work or modification and does not approve further advancement of the legislative motion by the Government Operations Committee, the original author(s)/committee members may do one (1) of the following:
- The proposed legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members may wait until the following month to revise and resubmit the proposed legislative motion;
- The proposed legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members may appeal to the GPSA Assembly President (Farah Najar Arevalo, gpsaassembly@gmail.com) for an advancement allowance such that the proposed legislative motion will bypass the Government Operations committee as-written. However, such an allowance shall trigger an advancement vote within the Office of the GPSA Assembly President, where it requires a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the members of the Office of the GPSA Assembly President (the GPSA Assembly President, the GPSA Assembly President pro tempore, and the GPSA Assembly Parliamentarian/Secretary) to advance (or effectively bypass) the legislative motion from the Government Operations Committee to the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee for the next step(s) of consideration and review. At this stage of the legislative procedure, if the previously noted requirement of a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the Office of the GPSA Assembly President remains unmet or unsatisfied, then the proposed legislative motion will not advance further procedurally and will be subsequently returned to the original author(s)/committee members for potential re-submission at a future date or during the next month’s legislative procedural cycle.
After the occurrence of the above procedures, the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee chairperson (Farah Najar Arevalo, gpsaassembly@gmail.com) shall receive all legislation that advances from the Government Operations Committee within one (1) calendar day of its approval by that committee. The GPSA Assembly Operations Committee shall similarly meet to consider and review the proposed legislative motion(s) for facilitating any temporal scheduling and agenda-setting requirements. If the proposed legislative motion(s) receives a simple majority (≥50%) of votes from the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee members, the proposed legislative motion shall receive adequate placement and ordering on the GPSA Assembly’s meeting agenda within three (3) calendar months upon its receipt by the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee, or by the end of the regular legislative session, whichever date and time occur first (1st) for full and complete consideration and review by the GPSA Assembly.
4.1 If the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee determines that revisions to the proposed legislative motions are necessary or appropriate scheduling accommodations are unresolvable, the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee shall return the legislative motion to the original author(s)/committee members with notes, comments, or other potential feedback on how to improve the legislative motion and any additional information pertaining to the requested revision(s). The legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members will be given no less than two (2) calendar days to edit, revise, and modify the proposed legislative motion and re-submit the revised draft with redress of the committee’s subsequently requested edit(s) or revision(s) to the proposed legislative motion before re-submitting the proposed legislative motion to the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee chairperson for final review of the revised legislative motion for that month. If the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee chairperson determines that the requested edit(s) or revision(s) were sufficiently made, then the chairperson shall advance the proposed legislative motion out of the Assembly Operations Committee by placing the proposed legislative motion on the GPSA Assembly meeting scheduled no later than three (3) calendar months upon its receipt by the Assembly Operations Committee or by the end of the regular Legislative Session, whichever date and time occurs first (1st) for full and complete consideration and review by the GPSA Assembly. If the Assembly Operations Committee chairperson determines that the proposed legislative motion revisions still require further work or modification and does not approve further advancement of the legislative motion by the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee, the original author(s)/committee members may do one of the following:
- The proposed legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members may wait until the following month to revise and resubmit the proposed legislative motion;
- The proposed legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members may appeal directly to the GPSA Assembly President (Farah Najar Arevalo, gpsaassembly@gmail.com) to allow for an advancement allowance of the proposed legislative motion to such that the proposed legislative motion will bypass the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee as-written. However, such an allowance shall trigger an advancement vote within the Office of the GPSA Assembly President, where it requires a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the members of the Office of the GPSA Assembly President (the GPSA Assembly President, the GPSA Assembly President pro tempore, and the GPSA Assembly Parliamentarian/Secretary) to advance (or effectively bypass) the legislative motion from the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee directly to the GPSA Assembly president for fulfillment according to the next step(s) of consideration and review for adequate placement and ordering on the GPSA Assembly’s meeting agenda within three (3) calendar months upon its receipt by the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee, or by the end of the regular legislative session, whichever date and time occur first (1st) for full and complete consideration and review by the GPSA Assembly. At this stage of the legislative procedure, if the previously noted requirement of a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the Office of the GPSA Assembly President remains unmet or unsatisfied, then the proposed legislative motion will not advance further procedurally and will be subsequently returned to the original author(s)/committee members for potential re-submission at a future date or during the next month’s legislative procedural cycle.
Upon obtaining the receipt of advancement approvals by both the GPSA Assembly’s Government Operations Committee and the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee, with adequate placement and ordering on the GPSA Assembly’s meeting agenda within three (3) calendar months upon its receipt by the GPSA Assembly Operations Committee, or by the end of the regular legislative session, whichever date and time occurs first (1st) for full and complete consideration and review by the GPSA Assembly. The proposed legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members shall be notified of when the proposed legislative motion shall receive full and complete consideration and review by the GPSA Assembly, such that the proposed legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members may attend the GPSA Assembly meeting to present, provide additional justification for, or answer potential questions about and address any outstanding or residual concerns regarding the proposed legislative motion by GPSA Assembly Members during the regular course and order of business in that GPSA Assembly meeting session. After the conclusion of the discussion phase, and pursuant to the regular course and order of business in the GPSA Assembly meeting session, the GPSA Assembly shall follow proper parliamentary procedure(s) regarding the proposed legislative motion for adoption/approval or the subsequent return to the proposed legislative motion’s original author(s)/committee members for potential re-submission at a future date for further consideration by the GPSA Assembly.