Travel Grants
Overview and Eligibility
The GPSA Travel Grant Program exists to support the academic and professional development endeavors of ASU graduate and professional students. The program offers five distinct grants through which costs associated with students' travel to and from academic conferences and professional development events can be reimbursed.
To be eligible to apply for a grant, applicants must be current ASU graduate students (degree or non-degree seeking) enrolled in at least one graduate level credit at the time of application and at the time of travel. Online students are now eligible. Travel must be directly related to applicants program of study.
Applications are peer-reviewed by trained fellow graduate students around three criteria: Purpose (Detailed description and significance of the travel); Service within the community, ASU and/or GPSA and a well-justified Travel Budget.
Applications for Individual Travel Grants, Group Travel Grants, Career Development Grants (both in and Out-of-State), and Out-of-State Internship grants are due on the 1st of every month, two months prior to the month of departure. Applicants may apply up to three months ahead of their departure date, but no more than three months and no less than two months ahead.
Applications for in-state Internship Travel Grants are due November 1, March 1 and July 1 during the semester that the internship takes place and Interview Travel grants are due October 1 and February 1.
Reimbursable expenses may differ depending on the specific grant.
Individual, Group, Career Development, and Interview grants generally cover the following:
- Lodging
- Flight/Mileage
- Transportation to/from airport
- Meals (per diem)
The following expenses are generally not reimbursable:
- Moving expenses
- Car rental/insurance
- Lodging, meals etc for Local Interviews
- Phone calls or internet access charges
- Expenses paid in cash
Out-of-State internships cover round-trip airfare only
In-state Internship Grant covers mileage from campus to internship location and non-campus related parking.
Application Process
Determine which grant you should apply for and read the details of that grant from the links on the left sidebar.
Submit an application through ZoomGrants via the GPSA ZoomGrants Page.
You must remove all identifying information from your application and application documents.
Late applications (past 11:59 pm, 1st of the month, two months prior of departure month) will not be considered.
Applications will be peer-reviewed and applicants notified on their application status three-four weeks after the application deadline.
Applications will be evaluated using the Travel Grant Application Rubrics. Please note that the Travel Grants Program is highly competitive. On average, only 40% of all applicants are awarded funding.
If your application isn’t selected for funding, you can reach out to the Director of Travel for a summary of reviewers’ comments on your application.
If your application is awarded, be sure to follow the instructions in the award letter diligently. Not doing so could prevent you from receiving reimbursements.