GPSA Assembly
The GPSA Assembly
The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Assembly presently consists of forty-nine (49) voting members who represent more than 16,000 graduate and professional students from all ASU campus locations and online programs, including the five (5) Arizona, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. campus locations. The GPSA Assembly advocates for graduate and professional students on issues of common concern, and it provides oversight for the multitude of activities from GPSA’s Executive governmental branch, including the approval of policymaking efforts in the GPSA Student Advocacy Agenda and GPSA Annual Strategic Plan, or monthly GPSA-sponsored event(s) programming. Likewise, as the Legislative governmental branch of GPSA, the GPSA Assembly conducts all oversight, accounting, allocation, and approval for monies or funds disbursement(s) within the annual GPSA Budget (currently valued at ~$1,400,000 dollars) and funding direction of monetary support resources to Graduate Student Organizations (GSO) at ASU.
Get Involved – Join the Assembly for ASU’s 2022-2023 Academic Year
There are currently some vacancies in the GPSA Assembly membership ranks. To learn if any of your school seats are vacant or available for your possible role fulfillment and application requirements, please consult the application form provided here:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeskNfQNr8r-L1duUXyEYpQV6I8vkSfMfZvvSSF5N67KpHWcQ/viewform?usp=sf_link (You will need to log in using your ASU-designated Google credentials to view this form).
If you have any other additional questions not addressed previously, please feel free to reach out directly by email to the GPSA Assembly President, Farah Najar Arevalo, at gpsaassembly@gmail.com. Moreover, all questions regarding the GPSA Assembly should be directly and promptly addressed via email to gpsaassembly@gmail.com, including inquiries about committee meetings and concerns about potential proposals for legislation.
Are you interested in submitting a legislative motion to the GPSA Assembly? Any graduate or professional student at ASU may submit a legislative motion to the GPSA Assembly for full and complete consideration and review by following the specified procedures in the Submitting Legislative Motions to the GPSA Assembly section below.
What does it mean to be a GPSA Assembly Member?
GPSA Assembly Members serve the broader graduate and professional student community at ASU as elected representatives of their respective college divisions. As GPSA Assembly Members, they are the primary communication conduit and liaison between the numerous departments, programs, or schools and GPSA. GPSA encourages students to give back to our communities and help improve the graduate student experience at ASU.
The Responsibilities of GPSA Assembly Members
- Serve on a minimum of two (2) committees within the GPSA Assembly (average 2 hours);
- Attend all monthly GPSA Assembly meetings (held on the third (3rd) Friday of each month of the academic year and any additionally-convened Special Sessions that may arise occasionally). The GPSA Assembly meetings are held from 2 PM to 5 PM (Arizona Local Time) in to-be-determined (TBD) locations on the ASU Tempe or Downtown Phoenix campuses with a remote attendance (average min 3 hours, no max) option via Zoom meeting links provided for any ASU students upon request;
- Maintain an open communication or dialogue channel with the various ASU students, faculty, and staff members within your representative constituency to learn about pressing issues or other matters of concern among those constituents;
- Maintain an open communication or dialogue channel with the various ASU students, faculty, and staff members within your representative constituency to distribute announcements of opportunities and material resources offered by GPSA;
- Attend potential events within your respective college divisions and promote GPSA services whenever appropriate or possible.
The Role of GPSA Committees
GPSA Committees meet once or twice a month to address student concerns, provide work product(s), monitor progress functions, or conduct oversight procedures of the current slate of GPSA programs, events, and projects. From planning advocacy efforts to overseeing funding programs and authoring legislative motions to providing operational support for GPSA-sponsored events, the GPSA committees support graduate and professional students across the various ASU departments, programs, schools, college divisions, and geographic campus locations.
The Benefits of Being a GPSA Assembly Member
- Learn about and direct change to GPSA’s programs and collaborations with ASU
- Networking with other graduate students at ASU
- Leadership experience for your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume
- Service experience for your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume
- Meet new friends and have fun serving our communities at ASU
- Receiving a scholarship
Who can be a GPSA Assembly Member?
Any campus-immersion or digital graduate or professional student enrolled in any ASU graduate or professional program enrolled in at least one graduate-level course credit.
To apply, consult if there are vacancies, requirements and fill out this application form (need to be logged in with ASU email):
GPSA Assembly’s Legislative Sessions for 2022-2023
Twenty-First (21st) Legislative Session–Meeting Agendas & Minutes (log in with ASU email):
- April 2022
- June 2022
- July 2022
- August 2022
- September 2022
- October 2022
- November 2022
- December 2022
- January 2023
- February 2023
- March 2023
- April 2023
Assembly meetings are held the third Friday of every month during the academic semester. If you would like to attend as an observer, using your ASU Zoom account register in advance for this meeting: