Signature campaigns
September - You Can Do Something Campaign
Sun Devils are invited to learn about bystander empowerment. Sun Devils are invited to participate in the annual You Can Do Something Bystander Empowerment Campaign. Bystander empowerment seeks to equip ASU community members with the skills and knowledge to serve as empowered bystanders. Empowered bystanders step into situations and intervene in preventing harm to create a community of care where all Sun Devils can thrive.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Across the nation, October is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and community members adorn themselves with the color purple to raise awareness about domestic and relationship violence. Every year, Sun Devils come together on Wear Purple Day to show their support for victims and survivors and to raise awareness not only about the harmful effects of domestic violence, but the role we all play in preventing such violence.
During this month, Sun Devils come together to learn more about the spectrum of relationships, ranging from healthy to abusive with unhealthy existing somewhere in between, and about how to lean on one another in order to cultivate healthy relationships. Various in-person and virtual opportunities are offered throughout the month. Such as, educational workshops, training sessions, engaging programming and more. Engage in our upcoming events and help raise awareness through our DVAM Toolkit.
January is Stalking Awareness Month
Every January, the ASU community is invited to participate in Stalking Awareness Month. Throughout the month, there are opportunities to learn more about the spectrum of behaviors that constitute stalking, how to support someone who is currently or has previously experienced stalking and what resources are available to support victims and survivors. Take part this January by attending an event, educational workshop and more.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Throughout the month of April, the Sun Devil community comes together to recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month and internationally, communities across the globe recognize Denim Day. There are opportunities for Sun Devils to participate in training and education pertaining to all aspects of the continuum of sexual violence, to learn more about the resources available to support victims and survivors of sexual violence, and to engage in prevention efforts as a community.