
ASU Health Services

Provides excellence in healthcare through personalized patient treatment

ASU Health Services is dedicated to the well-being and educational success of each individual student by providing high-quality health care that is accessible, affordable and compassionate.

Medical Providers are available to Arizona residing students through in person and Telehealth options

  • In person options Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Telehealth is available Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How to reach us:

  • Schedule an appointment, or message your provider through My Health Portal
  • Call us at 480-965-3349 during office hours
  • After hours, call 480-965-3349
  • For emergencies, call 911.

Our more than 20 physicians and nurse practitioners are board-certified in emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, neurology, orthopedics, rheumatology and sports medicine. In addition, ASU Counseling Services offers confidential, personal counseling, and crisis services for students experiencing emotional concerns, problems in adjusting, and other factors that affect their ability to achieve their academic and personal goals.

  • For medical emergencies, Call 911
  • For mental health emergencies, call the ASU crisis hotline at 480-921-1006
  • To talk to an oncall provider about an urgent medical concern after hours, call 480-965-3349, option 1

My Health Portal

Log into your patient portal to:

  • Schedule an appointment
  • Message your medical provider
  • Schedule your flu shot or other immunizations
  • Upload your MMR/immunization records
  • Message the Insurance, Billing and Referrals Specialists




The Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University Alliance for Health Care was formally launched in 2016 and is developing comprehensive improvements in the science of health care delivery and practice, all toward one goal: continually advancing patient care. Together, the recognized world leader in patient care, education and research, and the nation’s No. 1-ranked university for innovation are combining expertise from every corner of health care — doctors to bioengineers to business experts — for an adaptive approach to preparing the next generation of health care pioneers and practitioners.

Mayo Clinic and ASU COVID-19 Initiative ASU and Mayo Clinic are working together to launch the Mayo Clinic and ASU COVID-19 Initiative to provide timely health care information to students and employees on demand through the Mayo Clinic Health Information Library; to provide additional COVID-19 testing services to students and employees; and to collaborate on COVID-19 research projects and clinical trials.