
Health Coverage Options

Health Coverage Options

Students, whether they have health insurance or not, are eligible to use ASU Health Services. However, we strongly advise every student to maintain adequate health insurance to cover unexpected medical expenses.

In cooperation with the Arizona Board of Regents and ASU Health Services, ASU offers immersion students an affordable top-tiered medical insurance policy underwritten by
United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR). The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is designed to provide coverage to students that are currently uninsured, need a less expensive alternative, or need an Arizona provider network. Each year the plan is negotiated by a Tri-University leadership group with input provided by student advisory committees. The plan is inclusive for all immersion students with attention to the unique needs of the student body.

ASU also offers the
Bridge Discount Plan for students with non-billable or no insurance to reduce the cost of healthcare at ASU Health Services clinics.



United Healthcare Student Resources


The ASU Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) administered by United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR) is a top-tiered medical insurance policy that provides nationwide coverage.

Insurance Policy Highlights:

  • UHCSR is the carrier for the 2024-2025 policy year (Aug. 16, 2024 – Aug. 15, 2025)
  • You must register for an account with UHCSR to access your insurance ID
  • For information regarding deductibles, copays, and other policy details, please review the Benefit Summary and other resources at the UHCSR website
  • ASU Health Services/Counseling Services are your first stop for care and referrals to off-campus providers
  • Referrals are required when within 50 miles of the ASU Tempe campus
  • No referrals are required for urgent care/emergency room visits, but are required for follow-up care

Costs for Services at ASU Campus Clinics with SHIP:

  • General Medical Visit:  $15 per visit
  • Basic X-ray:  $10 per day
  • Laboratory:  $10 per day

SHIP Coverage Periods and Fees:

Coverage will become effective 12:00 a.m. Arizona time on the coverage Start Date and will terminate at 11:59 p.m. Arizona time on the coverage End Date listed below. Coverage periods cannot be modified and partial refunds will not be issued.


SemesterSessionStart DateEnd DatePremium
Fall 2024C (Full Semester)Aug. 16, 2024Dec. 31, 2024$1,045
 A*Aug. 16, 2024Oct. 9, 2024$417
 B*Oct. 10, 2024Dec. 31, 2024$629
Spring 2025C (Full Semester)Jan. 1, 2025Aug. 15, 2025$1,720
 A*Jan. 1, 2025Mar. 10, 2025$523
 B*Mar. 11, 2025Aug. 15, 2025$1,197
Summer 2025C (Full Semester)May 16, 2025Aug. 15, 2025$697
 A*May 16, 2025Jul. 2, 2025$364
 B*Jul. 3, 2025Aug. 15, 2025$333

*Please note: Only students enrolled in all Session A or all Session B courses are eligible to enroll in A or B coverage. Students enrolled in Session C (full semester) or a mix of A and B are only eligible for Session C coverage.



Students can enroll in SHIP online for Fall or Spring coverage once they’ve completed their registration and met the eligibility requirements. Students must enroll by the following deadlines:

Fall 2024 deadline: Sept. 4, 2024

Spring 2025 deadline: Jan. 25, 2025

How Do I Enroll?

  1. Sign in at My ASU
  2. Under Campus Services, click on Health & Wellness Resources, then click Health Insurance and Enroll/Cancel Student Health Insurance
  3. Confirm the Student Health Insurance fee has been placed on your ASU account

For Summer Coverage:

If you wish to enroll in Summer coverage, please message the Student Health Insurance department through your MyHealth secure portal by June 1, 2025. Please note: The Spring coverage period includes the Summer coverage period. If you were enrolled in Spring coverage, you do not need to purchase Summer coverage separately.

Qualifying Life Events:

Should a student lose their existing insurance coverage during the semester, the student may be eligible to enroll in SHIP outside of the open enrollment period. If you have lost coverage and wish to see if you qualify to enroll in SHIP, please message the Student Health Insurance department in your MyHealth portal. In your message, please provide:

  • A loss of coverage letter (can be obtained from your insurance company or the HR department of the employer providing the insurance)
  • The date your coverage ends
  • Reason for the loss of coverage

This request must be submitted within 30 days of the loss of coverage. If you qualify, SHIP coverage will begin the day after your previous coverage ended.

Auto-Enrollment and Cancellation:

Once you enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan, you will be auto-enrolled in every consecutive semester in which you remain eligible. Please confirm your enrollment each semester by checking your ASU account for the Student Health Insurance fee. If you wish to cancel your enrollment, you must do so before the enrollment deadline of the semester you wish to cancel.

How Do I Cancel?

  1. Sign in at My ASU
  2. Under Campus Services, click on Health & Wellness Resources, then click Health Insurance and Enroll/Cancel Student Health Insurance
  3. Confirm the Student Health Insurance fee has been removed from your ASU account


If you have any questions regarding the eligibility requirements for the United Healthcare Student Resources insurance plan, please message the Student Health Insurance department through your MyHealth secure portal. If you are a parent or not yet an enrolled student, please email with any questions. Please note that email is not considered a secure platform for communication regarding private health information, so please use email for general questions only.

The following groups of students are eligible for SHIP:

  • Undergraduate students enrolled in a program of study and taking at least six units
  • Undergraduate students with a consortium agreement to take courses at a qualified college with an overall credit hour total of at least six units
  • Seniors may enroll with less than six units if they are in their last semester to achieve their final graduation requirements and had the insurance coverage in the prior semester
  • Graduate students if they are enrolled in a graduate degree or certificate program and taking at least three units or one dissertation/thesis unit
  • Graduate non‐degree students must have applied to a degree program and be taking at least six transferable units, be in a certificate program, or be a full‐time student taking at least nine units
  • Graduate assistants or associates who are officially hired, with a signed and filed notice of appointment, and taking at least six units of graduate credit
  • Post‐Doctoral Fellows, J1 Visiting Scholars or J1 Student Interns
  • International students on non‐immigrant visas, regardless of whether or not they fit into one of the above classifications and regardless of the number of units being taken, are automatically enrolled in SHIP as a condition of their enrollment with ASU

The following are NOT eligible:

  • Spouses/Dependents of students
  • Students who are eligible for or are enrolled in Medicare
  • ASU Online students
  • Students whose program degrees are not affiliated with a campus


If you have any questions regarding the eligibility requirements for the United Healthcare Student Resources insurance plan, please message the Student Health Insurance department through your MyHealth secure portal. If you are a parent or not yet an enrolled student, please email with any questions. Please note that email is not considered a secure platform for communication regarding private health information, so please use email for general questions only.

For questions regarding eligibility or enrollment:

Please message the Student Health Insurance department through your MyHealth secure portal. If you are a parent or not yet an enrolled student, please email with any questions. Please note that email is not considered a secure platform for communication regarding private health information, so please use email for general questions only.

ASU Student Health Insurance Department

ASU Health Services Tempe
451 E. University Drive
Tempe, AZ 85281

Phone: 480-965-2411

For questions regarding a provider’s network status, claims/bills received from off-campus providers, or coverage details:

United Healthcare Student Resources
Customer Service: 1 (866) 652-9185

UHCSR Patient Advocate
Laura, UHCSR Student Insurance Advocate



Existing personal insurance plans and information


Students may already have health insurance through their parents, or employer. If so, these students should carry their health insurance cards with them at all times. ASU Health Service can/will file claims to third party insurance companies we are contracted with if the student presents the card at the time of visit.

Insurance companies on contract

ASU Health Services will bill your insurance carrier If your insurance carrier is not on this list, we advise you to contact them to receive their guidelines for out of network coverage. You may also request an itemized statement for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. You should be familiar with the rule of your insurance to receive the best benefit. Most HMO plans have very specific rules about who and where you can be seen, usually only with your selected primary care provider (We are not able to bill to all versions of the following plans).

Some labs may be sent out to Sonora Quest Labs or Labcorp. Please check with your plan to determine if these labs are in your network.

  • Aetna (except Banner)
  • Arizona Foundation (AFMC)
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield (except Neighborhood plans, Honor Health)
  • Cigna (except Local Plus plans)
  • Great West
  • Health Net (except Ambetter, Allwell)
  • Humana
  • Tricare West
  • United Health care

Contracted AHCCCS plans:

  • Arizona Complete Health
  • United Healthcare Community Plan

*Please contact your insurance company to see if we are a participating provider. You will need to provide the following information.

  • Call your insurance company.
  • Provide ASU Health Service as the location providing medical service.
  • Provide the Tax ID 860196696.

Individuals who wish to explore options available through should visit the site directly. ASU Health Services may not be able to contract with all health plans purchased on the exchange.



Bridge Discount Plan


The Bridge Plan is a discount program which reduces the cost of healthcare at ASU Health Services clinics. The Bridge Plan is not a health insurance plan and does not provide any coverage for off-campus medical care. 
All currently enrolled on-campus students (not ASU Online) are eligible to enroll in the Bridge Plan. It is designed for students who wish to use ASU Health Services clinics and: 

  • have high-deductible health plans with high out-of-pocket costs for medical care
  • have insurance plans that don’t list ASU Health Services as an in-network facility
  • do not have insurance and want to be seen at ASU Health Services at a discounted rate

The Bridge Plan enrollment fee and fees for services rendered at ASU Health Services clinics will be charged to your student account.

Bridge Plan Coverage Periods and Fees:

Semester Start DateEnd DateFee
Fall 2024  Aug. 16, 2024Dec. 31, 2024 $199
Spring 2025Jan. 1, 2025 Aug. 15, 2025 $199

Costs for Services at ASU Campus Clinics with Bridge Plan:

  • General Medical Visit:  $15 per visit  
  • Specialist/Consultant Visit:  $30 per visit  
  • Basic X-ray:  $10 per day  
  • Laboratory:  $10 per day

If you have any questions regarding the ASU Health Services Bridge Plan, please message the Student Health Insurance department through your MyHealth secure portal. If you are a parent or not yet an enrolled student, please email with any questions. Please note that email is not considered a secure platform for communication regarding private health information, so please use email for general questions only.

Online Enrollment:
To enroll online, students must enroll by the following deadlines:
Fall 2024 deadline: Sept. 4, 2024
Spring 2025 deadline: Jan. 25, 2025

How Do I Enroll Online?

  • Sign in at My ASU
  • Under Campus Services, click on Health & Wellness Resources, then click Bridge Plan and Enroll/Cancel Bridge Plan.
  • Confirm the Bridge Plan fee has been placed on your ASU account.

In-Person Enrollment:
Students can enroll in person at any ASU Health Services location during regular business hours throughout the year. If the student enrolls past the online enrollment deadline, the Bridge Plan will be effective beginning the date of enrollment.

Auto-Enrollment and Cancellation:
Once you enroll in the Bridge Plan, whether online or in person, you will be auto-enrolled in every consecutive semester in which you remain eligible. Please confirm your enrollment each semester by checking your ASU account for the Bridge Plan fee. If you wish to cancel your Bridge Plan enrollment, you must do so before the enrollment deadline of the semester you wish to cancel.

How Do I Cancel?

  • Sign in at My ASU
  • Under Campus Services, click on Health & Wellness Resources, then click Bridge Plan and Enroll/Cancel Bridge Plan.
  • Confirm the Bridge Plan fee has been removed from your ASU account.

If you have any questions regarding the ASU Health Services Bridge Plan, please message the Student Health Insurance department through your MyHealth secure portal. If you are a parent or not yet an enrolled student, please email with any questions. Please note that email is not considered a secure platform for communication regarding private health information, so please use email for general questions only.