The Daily Devil Blog

Students and staff sharing insight and encouragement

Learn how fellow Sun Devils navigate life at ASU, attend to their social emotional well-being and create a community of support around themselves.

Finishing the semester with yourself in mind

Finishing the semester with yourself in mind

For me, and I’m sure for many of my classmates, this semester has plowed forward with all the grace and poise of a U-Haul truck. We’re approaching the end, but I still feel like I’ve barely even begun, and I know that there’s a pile of work waiting for me at the end of every remaining day.

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tips for incoming freshman

Tips for an Incoming Freshman

Perhaps the best piece of advice I ever received about beginning college was this: You are not prepared, but neither is anyone else.

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Rest and Relax

Rest, Relax, and Rejuvenate During Spring Break

For being only four letters long, ‘rest’ is a pretty big word. Especially for college students.

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