
Post Grad Guide: Grad School 101

Okay, you need a little more education to get where you’re going. Graduate school is on your mind, and you are starting to figure out what to do. The applications, the to-do list, the deadlines. I don’t have to spell this out for you- it can be overwhelming, but totally doable!

1. Make Your List

At this point you know what you want to pursue (If not- read Post Grad Guide: Gap Year 101). Now the question is, where do you want to go? Compare programs based on their credentials, standards, graduation rates, location, and cost. Essentially, listen to your gut. Which programs make you excited and what make you feel dread?

2. Set Deadlines

You’ve heard the term baby steps, but what about baby deadlines? If you are a procrastinator, a planner, or dopamine dysregulated, meet the tip that made me successful. Set little deadlines for each of the application materials you need; test scores, resume, personal statement, references, priority submission, etc. Waiting until the last second will only lead to stress and a caffeine induced meltdown at 11:59 PM on a Tuesday. 
Pro Tip: Have friends, family, or a calendar app hold you accountable.

3. Make a Coffee Date List

References are huge in this process! Think back on your college experience and who was influential in your development. These individuals should be able to speak on your character, achievements, and qualifications. Make a list of those people and contact them, inviting them to coffee or lunch. While you are catching up, ask them if they would feel comfortable writing a letter of recommendation. Always be sure to write a thank note once they have written you a recommendation.

4. Find Your Story

Personal statements can be hard and unnatural to write. Make it easy on yourself by making a timeline of how you got to the place you are and write about that in the first paragraph. Be memorable, your story is unique! You have done so much, talk about it with pride.
Pro Tip: It’s not bragging, if they want to know your accomplishments.

5. Celebrate

Congratulations on hitting that submission button! Now you wait to hear back for the next steps, which are acceptance or interviews. This can be anxiety provoking. To make this time less stressful and enjoy your last stretch of college- go have fun! Celebrate with a dinner or a night with friends, you accomplished something other people are still contemplating.

Applying to Grad school can be a time that we question ourselves. Know that you are worth more than what academics think of you! You will be surprised how excited they are to have you apply and meet a driven person like yourself. If you are passionate about pursuing higher education, keep trying. 

Read Post Grad Guide: Gap Year 101 to find additional support.
Emily Hinsberger, Masters of Counseling, 2nd year