Lost & Found
Lost & Found
Misplaced your sunglasses or a book? Contact the Information Desk and the campus-wide Lost and Found program. Information about the Lost and Found Policy is available online or by contacting the Information Desk. Want more information? Want to report a lost item? Contact the Information Desk at 480-727-1098.
If we have received an item and it matches your description, we will do our best to contact you. Please be as descriptive as possible so that we can distinguish your item from the many similar items we receive. Please note: You will only be contacted if we believe that we have received your item. Proper identification and a physical description is required to claim items from the Lost and Found.
- Tempe Campus Lost & Found: 480-965-5728
- Downtown Campus Lost & Found: 602-496-0973
- West Campus Lost & Found: 602-543-6285
- ASU Shuttles Lost and Found: 480-966-2199
Items that are kept for 60 days:
- Backpacks
- Bags such as purses, camera bags, and duffel bags
- Binders, folders, and notebooks
- Books such as textbooks and course readers
- Cell Phones
- Clothing such as gloves, jackets, pants, shirts, skirts, and sweaters
- Electronics such as calculators, headphones, computer cords, and handheld radio/music players
- Flash Drives
- Glasses including prescription and reading
- Hats
- Identification cards and credit cards
- Jewelry such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, and watches
- Keys
- Sunglasses
- Wallets
- Any other items of value or importance
Please note: Due to limited storage, random papers and photographs are disposed of.
Items that are disposed of immediately because they are not sanitary:
- All undergarments and clothing of a personal nature
- All personal hygiene items such as hair clips, hair brushes, make-up, lotions, and hair products
- All footwear items such as shoes, sandals, socks, high heels
- All contacts, contact solutions, and ear plugs
- All towels or cloths of personal use
- All edible items and items that contain food or liquids such as lunchboxes, bottles, and mugs
- All chemical and medical items such as cleaning solutions and prescriptions drugs
- Any other items that area deemed unhealthy
Lost and Found FAQs
Where is the lost and found located?
The Memorial Union information desk serves as the campus wide lost and found and all lost items eventually make their way to our lost and found. To claim a lost item, a physical description and a valid ID card is required.
Please note: Some departments/buildings may keep lost and found items from their respective areas for a short amount of time before it is turned in to the Memorial Union information desk. Please feel free to check the department/building where your item might have been lost.
What happens after items are turned into the lost and found?
Every item is logged into our database with an adequate description and it is automatically assigned a number. Every effort is made to identify the owner of an item so that the owner may be contacted.
How long are lost items kept?
All items are held for up to 60 days, after which they are audited and donated to a charitable organization in compliance with state law.