Innovation Fellowship Program

The information on this page is specific to the Innovations Fellows Program. For questions about the Innovations Fellows program, or to schedule a meeting to discuss the Innovations Fellows program, please email


No late applications will be accepted.

Two application cycles each will be rolled out during the Fall and Spring semester respectively. The application windows for each semester are as follows:

FALL 2022

  • August 18 - September 15
  • October 15 - November 15


  • January 1 – February 28
  • March 1 - March 30

All applications accepted, approved, and awarded for funding are expected to be completed by the end of the Spring 2023 semester for winners to get reimbursement.



Award Overview

The Innovations Fellow program is designed to encourage graduate students to complete projects that help the graduate community or further GPSA initiatives. We hope the money will enable graduate students to complete projects that will benefit graduate students and Arizona State University. Applications can be submitted with co-authors; however, awards are split between all authors.

Fellowships are available for the following project types:

  • Personal Projects
  • GPSA Projects
  • Volunteer Service

Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the Innovations Fellow program, fellows must be a graduate student in good academic standing and enrolled in at least 1 credit hour at Arizona State University, for the entire time they are working on their project. To be eligible for the Summer Innovation Fellowship, graduate students must be a graduate student in good academic standing and enrolled in at least one credit hour at Arizona State University.

What is the prize?
Fellows may be awarded either a personal award and/or an events award. Fellowship awards may not exceed $300 per application. Awards will be applied to student accounts as a scholarship or a reimbursement for event items or food.

Eligible expenses

The following are eligible expenses.

  • Food for events
  • Printing/Copying
  • Equipment rental
  • Materials and supplies (Biological supplies must be purchased through the applicant’s school or department. The department or school will then be reimbursed through a transfer up to the award amount.)
  • Professional services for data analysis, typing, transcription, or copying

Ineligible expenses

The following expense cannot be reimbursed using the Innovation Fellowship:

  • Equipment purchases (laptops, cameras, camera equipment, etc.)
  • Purchases made by departments, faculty, or by other grant funds
  • Travel of any kind
  • Tuition
  • Terminal publication charges for thesis or dissertation
  • Salaries ad wages for research assistants
  • Items or services that require the university to enter into a contract with any non-approved vendor
  • Any other expense prohibited by university policy or deemed ineligible by the program’s administrators

Past award recipients

2021-2022 Awardees
Ashley Coogan
Kelly Baur
Carla Rhodes
Margaret Shultz
Matthew Soson
Shep Bryan
Weiqing Xu
Gevork Gevorkyan
Harrison LaBollita
Danis Yangaliev
Skyler Mendes
Erika Nadile
Stacey Flores
Venkata Akilesh Manchikanti
Vageeshan Mankala

2020-2021 Awardees

2019-2020 Awardees
Terrance Balousek, Thunderbird Art Entrepreneur Event
Dakota Hohenwalter, Veteran’s Mixer Event
Niveditha Muthukrishnan, GSO Best Practices Manual
Jonathan Roll, GPSA Graduate Weekly Meet-Up
Amanjot Singh, GPSA Database Analysis Project
Parvika Singhal, GPSA Database Analysis Project
GPSA Engineering Committee, Ira Fulton School of Engineering Current Student and Alumni Event

2018-2019 Awardees
Vipanchi Chacham, Women’s Mixer Event
Zaellotius Wilson, International Student Advocacy Event