Awards Application Process
The Graduate and Professional Students Association annually recognizes members of the ASU community for demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, mentoring and staff-student engagement. Please review the awards application process and consider submitting a nomination.
Applications open: Monday, January 9th, 2023
Applications close: Monday, February 13th, 2023
Zoom grants evaluation: Monday, February 20th - Friday, March 3rd, 2023
In-class evaluation: Monday, February 20th - Monday, March 27th, 2023
Award notification: Friday, April 7th, 2023
Award Overview
The Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) recognizes graduate and professional students that exemplify excellence in teaching across all ASU campuses. The award aims at fostering and rewarding efficient and successful teaching through peer-reviewer evaluations.
Who is eligible?
Teaching assistants/associates or instructors involved in formal teaching (i.e. delivering lectures or similar) at any ASU campus are eligible for the Teaching Excellence Award. This includes lab or classroom TAs (with formal teaching responsibilities besides grading and proctoring exams), course instructors (classroom based, hybrid, or online), graduate student Faculty Associate (FA), or session leader holding a consistent teaching schedule. TAs with student interaction limited to helping students during office hours, via e-mail or lab hours as opposed to formal teaching are ineligible. All candidates must have a teaching assignment for the Fall 2022 semester. This year we will expand applications to accept all three sessions: Sessions A, C and B. For teaching assistants in session B, please note that you must apply before the February 13th, 2023 deadline. If session B applications are advanced to in-class evaluations, they will be evaluated during the first two weeks of session B class.
The Application Process
1. Apply January 9th - February 13th, 2023 by 11:59 PM Arizona MST
- All applicants must submit a completed online application (which consists of questions on essential educational topics such as engaging the class, providing feedback, and dealing with learning difficulties) through ZoomGrants (GPSA Awards Program) by February 13th. Consult with the Applicant Rubric (below) when completing the application. Within the application, applicants provide 3 dates for in-class evaluations during which the applicant must teach in a formal capacity (such as deliver lectures and/or interact with students in a teaching capacity). These lectures must fit within the class evaluation period from February 20th – March 27th.
- Important note: Because we evaluate applications through a blind review process, please make sure your name does not appear on the ZoomGrants application (only your initials, such as J.S. for John Smith) or on any of the documents. If necessary, blackout your name from headers, listed publication titles, events, etc. If your name appears, your application will be disqualified. No exceptions will be made.
2. In-Class Evaluations (Sessions A, B and C): February 20th - March 27th, 2023
- Reviewers observe the applicants’ classes for the final evaluation of the applicants’ teaching. Applicants must ensure to play an active teaching role (such as delivering lectures and/or interacting with students in a teaching capacity) during the provided dates for reviewers to assess the applicants’ teaching. Changes in the provided dates must be notified at least 48 hours prior to class observations.
- Office hours and e-mails are not eligible for observations.
- Online instructors/TAs only: Provide access to discussion boards and lecture videos.
- The evaluation criteria (detailed in Applicant Rubric above) include but are not limited to:
- Classroom/session organization and content
- Instructor/TA presentation
- Instructor/TA-student interaction
- Effective use of materials and media
3. ZoomGrants Evaluations: February 20th - March 3rd, 2023
- Reviewers evaluate, in a blind review process, their assigned applications on ZoomGrants according to the applicant scoring rubric.
4. Award Notification: April 7th, 2023
- The Awards Committee reaches the final decisions based on the scores of both online applications and class observations.
- GPSA will promptly email award letters to the winners.
- Winners are awarded a $750 prize and a GPSA-endorsed teaching excellence certificate at the prestigious GPSA Spring Awards Ceremony.
Become a Reviewer
We are looking for graduate students to serve as reviewers for the Teaching Excellence Award Program. Reviewers are key players in recognizing outstanding and diligent graduate student teaching.
Who is eligible?
Graduate students across all ASU campuses (including online students) are eligible to apply. If you wish to apply for the Spring semester TEA or any other GPSA Awards offered during the Spring semester, please do not apply to be a reviewer.
What are the benefits?
- Grant programs such as GPSA Research and Travel Grants look for community service in their applicants. Your community service as a reviewer will help with your own funding applications.
- Reviewer Certificate upon successful completion of BOTH Fall and Spring review periods.
- GPSA Recognition for use with your online professional portfolio.
- Peer-review experience a plus, especially for careers in academia, publishing and scientific research.
- Exclusive reviewer social, opportunities to win goodies and connect with fellow graduate students.
How to apply?
If you would like to be a Reviewer, please email us at: to request a Reviewer Interest form. Once you complete the mandatory online training, you will be ready to serve as a reviewer.
For application or reviewer questions, please contact us at
The Teaching Excellence Award, Outstanding Research Award, or Outstanding Mentor Award programs are run by the Office of Professional Development, overseen by the Vice President of Professional Development and the Director of Awards. The VPPD, Director of Awards and awards peer-reviewers are not eligible to receive the award.
Brief History
TEA was re-established after a hiatus during the first GPSA Legislative Assembly (2003-2004) by then-GPSA President Brian Collier. (The program was formerly run by undergraduates to recognize their best TAs). During each of its first two years, 15 excellent graduate student instructors were recognized. In 2005-2006 the program expanded to 22 awardees, partially as a result of the increasing number of truly excellent graduate instructors and TAs and partially as a result of expanding the nomination period to both fall and spring. Since that time, no fewer than 20 awards have been bestowed each year. While the monetary awards given to winners are modest, the recognition for excellent teaching from peers and students is immeasurable. We hope that the program helps to spark increasing efforts at innovative, highly effective teaching and learning. Moreover, those who become involved with the program often regard it as one of the most rewarding activities in which they take part with GPSA.
Past award recipients
Fall 2020
Johnson Garrett, PhD, Media Arts & Science
Nikolay Krantsevich, PhD, Applied Mathematics
Dina Ziganshina, PhD, Biology and Society
Laura Winstone, PhD, Psychology
Haley Schaaf, PhD, Communication Studies
Young Wha Lee, PhD, Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
Laura Daniela Mera Rodriguez, PhD, Biology
Harry LaBollita, PhD, Physics
Jillian Johnson, MFA Theatre for Youth & Community
Kendra Kahl, MFA Theatre for Youth & Community
Ayisa Guy, PhD in Mathematics Education
Michelle Glerum, English (English Education)
Aerial Owens, PhD, Biochemistry
Xinyue Le, PhD, Music Education
Savannah Woodworth, PhD, English Literature
Adnan Abdullahi, PhD, Mechanical Engineering
Spring 2020
Anna Marrero-Rivera, PhD, Spanish Linguistics
Florencia Duron, PhD, in Communication
Jeri Sasser, PhD, Developmental Psychology
Kazi Waheeda, PhD, Biochemistry
Kevin Shufford, PhD, Communication
Luke Baker, PhD, Applied Mathematics
Martin Perez Comisso, PhD, Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology
Mary Pardhe, PhD, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Paniz Jasbi, PhD, Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
Shannon Roivas, PhD, Anthropology
Steven Ruiz, PhD, Mathematics
Valeria Ochoa, PhD, Spanish Linguistics
Applications open: Monday, January 9th, 2023
Applications close: Monday, February 13th, 2023
ZoomGrants evaluation: Monday, February 20th - Friday, March 3rd, 2023
Award notification: Friday, March 17th, 2023
Award Overview
The Outstanding Research Award recognizes graduate and professional students that exemplify excellence in research on all ASU campuses. The award aims at fostering the development of innovative projects or research of interdisciplinary character that demonstrate a positive impact on the academic/local community with a notable contribution to their field. The Award is offered in the Fall and Spring semesters.
Who is eligible?
All students enrolled in a graduate or professional program who have completed an independent research project in any field of knowledge (or) currently pursuing non-coursework, original research endeavors (for e.g. Master’s or Ph.D. research project) before the end of their current degree are eligible candidates.
*Applicants can only receive each award once during the completion of their academic degree.
What is the prize?
The winners of the Outstanding Research Award receive a $750 monetary prize, GPSA-endorsed certificate for Research Excellence, recognition on GPSA website and newsletter and are honored at the prestigious GPSA Awards Ceremony in Spring 2023.
*The prize amount is taxed for International Students.
Application Process
- Apply Monday, January 9 - February 13, 2023, by 11:59 PM Arizona MST
- All applicants need to submit an online application through Zoom Grants along with your CV and letter of recommendation (see required documents below) by February 13, 2023.
- Important note: Because we evaluate applications in a blind review process, please make sure your name does not appear on the ZoomGrants application (only your initials, such as J.S. for John Smith) or on any of the documents. If necessary, blackout your name from headers, listed publication titles, events, etc. If your name appears, your application will be disqualified. No exceptions will be made.
Applicant Rubric
- ZoomGrants Evaluations: February 20th - March 3rd, 2023
- Each application will be thoroughly evaluated—in a blind review process—by trained peer-reviewers. Their evaluation criteria will follow (but not be limited to) creativity, innovation, contributions to the field of research, positive impact on people’s lives and society at large, and dissemination of findings. Consult the applicant rubric for scoring criteria.
- Award Notification: Friday, March 17th, 2023
- The Awards Committee reaches the final decisions based on the online application and the required documents.
- GPSA will promptly email award letters to the winners.
- Winners are awarded $750 prize and a GPSA-endorsed research excellence certificate for their contribution to their field of knowledge at the prestigious GPSA Awards Ceremony in Spring 2023.
Application’s Required Documents
All the online applications are completed through ZoomGrants website here. The application consists of questions regarding the originality, impact, contributions, and future applications of your research project.
The research portfolio (to be uploaded to each individual application) is comprised of the following documents:
- An abbreviated CV (no more than 4 pages) highlighting research and scholarship. *Please do not include your name on the CV, as we maintain a blind review process.
- A letter of recommendation from either a staff, faculty, or community member familiar with the applicant’s research. *Ask your recommender to not include your name on the letter, due to our blind review process.
Become a Reviewer
We are looking for graduate students to serve as reviewers for the Teaching Excellence Award Program. Reviewers are key players in recognizing outstanding and diligent graduate student teaching.
Who is eligible?
Graduate students across all ASU campuses (including online students) are eligible to apply. If you wish to apply for the Spring 2023 TEA or any other GPSA Awards offered in Spring 2023, please do not apply to be a reviewer.
What are the benefits?
- Grant programs such as GPSA Research and Travel Grants look for community service in their applicants. Your community service as a reviewer will help with your own funding applications.
- Reviewer Certificate upon successful completion of BOTH Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 review periods.
- GPSA Recognition for use with your online professional portfolio.
- Peer-review experience is a plus, especially for careers in academia, publishing and scientific research.
- Exclusive reviewer social, opportunities to win goodies and connect with fellow graduate students.
How to apply?
If you would like to be a Reviewer, please fill out the Reviewer Interest form here. Once you complete the mandatory online training, you will be ready to serve as a reviewer.
If you have questions, please contact GPSA’s Awards Team (
The Outstanding Research Award program is run by the Office of Professional Development, overseen by the Vice President of Professional Development and the Director of Awards.
Past award recipients
Fall 2020
Costanza Lo Cascio, PhD, Neuroscience
Courtney Currier, PhD, Environmental Life Sciences
Angeline Young, PhD, Comparative Cultures & Languages
Zoe Swann, PhD, Neuroscience
Robert Oldt, PhD, Evolutionary Biology
Francisca Grill, PhD, Microbiology
Zack Graham, PhD, Animal Behavior
Allison Mirin, PhD, Mathematics Education
Kavita Manhas, PhD, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Lu Cheng, PhD, Computer Science
Brandon Clifford, PhD, Family & Human Development
Elizabeth Altamirano, PhD, Counseling Psychology
Anna Hommadova, PhD, Communication
Narin Loa, PhD, Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
Patrick Manapat, PhD, Quantitative Research Methods (Psychology)
Matthew Broussard, MS, Science of Health Care Delivery
Andrew Monaghan, PhD, Exercise & Nutrition Science
Kevin Close, PhD, Learning, Literacies & Technologies
Spring 2021
Armando Peña, PhD, Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
Arvind Ramachandran, PhD, Civil, Sustainable, and Environmental Engineering
Chelsea Krantsevich, PhD, Applied Mathematics
Chirasree Mukherje, PhD, Political Science
Gokul Krishnan, PhD, Electrical Engineering
Kai Kline, Counseling Psychology
Leah Kunkel, PhD, Sustainable Energy
Mohammad Towshif Rabbani, PhD, Biochemistry
Qidu Fu, MA, Asian Languages and Civilizations (Chinese)
Raghu Narayanan Pradeep, PhD, Chemistry
Roozbeh Khodambashi, PhD, Systems Engineering
Shivam Sharda, PhD, Civil Engineering
Shruti Sharma, PhD, Materials Science and Engineering
Stephen Moore, PhD, Neuroscience
Steven Marsiglia, PhD, Counseling Psychology
Trenton Davis, PhD, Microbiology
Tyler Rife, PhD, Communication
The Outstanding Mentor Award will not be offered for the Spring, 2023 semester.
The Outstanding Mentor Award recognizes graduate and professional students who demonstrate excellence in mentorship on all ASU campuses. Qualifying mentoring includes work with undergraduate students, graduate students, or community members. Mentoring through formal programs (e.g., Shades, Big Brothers Big Sisters) qualifies, as does independent mentoring and assisting students with their research. Teaching assistants (such as those leading a lab session, helping students during office hours, and other responsibilities that do not involve classroom teaching) are encouraged to apply. If you are the sole instructor of a course, and are responsible for teaching all sessions of a course, then please apply to the Teaching Excellence Award.
Program Information
Who is eligible?
All students enrolled in at least one credit hour in an ASU graduate or professional program.
*Applicants can only receive each award once during the completion of their academic degree.
What is the prize?
The winners of the Outstanding Mentor Award receive a $750 monetary prize, GPSA-endorsed certificate for excellent mentorship, recognition on GPSA website and newsletter, and are honored at the Annual Spring Awards Ceremony.
*Prize amount may vary for International Students due to taxes.
What’s the process?
- All applicants need to submit an online application through ZoomGrants along with a CV and letter of reference (see application materials below).
- Each application will be thoroughly evaluated—in a blind review process—by trained peer-reviewers of the Awards Committee. Their evaluation criteria will consist of (but not be limited to) the relevance of your mentoring experience, as well as its influence, potential development, and overall impact on the mentees. Consult the applicant rubric for scoring criteria.
- Important note: Because we evaluate applications in a blind review process, please make sure your name does not appear on the ZoomGrants application (only your initials, such as J.S. for John Smith) or on any of the documents. If necessary, blackout your name from headers, listed publication titles, events, etc. If your name appears, your application will be disqualified. No exceptions will be made.
- Award Notification
- The Awards Committee reaches the final decisions based on the online application and the required documents.
- GPSA will promptly email award letters to the winners.
- Winners are awarded a $750 prize and a GPSA-endorsed mentorship excellence certificate at the prestigious GPSA Awards Ceremony.
Application and Required Documents
All online applications are completed through ZoomGrants website here. The application consists of questions regarding your current mentoring experience and its impact on your mentees.
The mentor portfolio (to be uploaded to each individual application) is comprised of the following documents:
- An abbreviated CV (no more than 4 pages) highlighting service, leadership and mentorship. Please do not include your name on the CV, as we maintain a blind review process.
- A letter of reference from either a staff, faculty, or community member familiar with the applicant’s mentorship. Ask your recommender to not include your name on the letter, due to our blind review process.
If you have questions, please contact GPSA’s Awards Team (
The Outstanding Mentor Award program is run by the Office of Professional Development, overseen by the Vice President of Professional Development and the Director of Awards.
Past award recipients
Fall 2020
Sierra Ferguson, PhD, Geosciences
Ethan Baruch, PhD, Environmental Life Sciences
Adele Crane, PhD, Evolutionary Biology
Kristin Bennett, PhD, English Writing, Rhetorics & Literacies
A.I. T.I., PhD, Communication
Christian Ross, PhD, Biology & Society
Subhadeep Dutta, PhD, Chemistry
Michelle DiPalma, PhD, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Spring 2021
Angelica Amezcua, PhD, Spanish
Calvin Koelbel, PhD, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Tiffany Thornhill, Master of Public Administration
Venkatesh Kodukula, PhD, Computer Engineering
Carmen Ortega, PhD, Exercise & Nutritional Sciences
Hannah Phalen, PhD, Psychology and Law
Viswanathan Naveen Kumar, PhD, Electrical engineering
Paisley M. Benaza, PhD, Journalism & Mass Communication
Applications open: Friday, February 3rd, 2023
Applications close: Friday, February 17th, 2023
Award Notification: Friday, February 24th, 2023
About the Award
Annette Jecker served as GPSA’s administrative support staff for many years. Thanks to her skills and personality, thousands of graduate students benefited from GPSA’s grants, awards, and advocacy programs in a timely manner. She supported the success of ASU graduate students by providing excellent service as well as guidance and advice. When needed she arrived at her desk early or stayed late, and even worked weekends. She greeted all students with a smile and supportive tone, even as she struggled with an illness that ultimately impeded her from continuing to work. She was the glue for the ASU graduate student body and GPSA for many years, and we dedicate this award to her. She helped us not only navigate paperwork but life.
What is the award?
The Annette Jecker Outstanding Staff Award recognizes ASU support staff (not students or faculty) who have contributed significantly to the personal and educational development of graduate and professional students at ASU on all campuses.
Who is eligible?
All staff members who are currently working full-time at any ASU campus.
*Applicants can only receive each award once during the completion of their academic degree.
What is the prize?
Each year two winners are awarded each (1) a monetary prize of $750 (subject to payroll taxes), cross-campus recognition and are honored at the Annual Spring Awards Ceremony.
What’s the process?
Application: February 3rd – February 17th, 2023, 11:59pm MST
- Submit the following documents with the application form:
- A personal statement (no longer than 5 pages) with examples demonstrating how their work as staff contributes to the educational and personal development of ASU graduate students.
- A two-page CV
- Consult the applicant rubric for scoring criteria.
Application Review: February 18th - 23rd, 2023
- The GPSA Professional Development Committee reviews all the applications and scores them according to the applicant rubric.
Winners notified by: February 24th, 2023
- GPSA will promptly email award letters to the winners.
- Winners are awarded a $750 prize and a GPSA-endorsed certificate at the prestigious GPSA Spring Awards Ceremony.
The Annette Jecker Outstanding Staff Award is run by the Office of Professional Development, overseen by Amelia Miholca, the Vice President of Professional Development and Neeta Ashok Kumar, the Director of Awards.
If you have questions, please contact GPSA’s Awards Team (
Applications open: Monday, January 9th, 2023
Applications close: Monday, February 13th, 2023
ZoomGrants evaluation: February 20th - March 3rd, 2023
Award notification: Friday, March 17th, 2023
About the award
Arijit Guha was an ASU graduate student taken by colon cancer who fought until his last moments to bring awareness to issues concerning the health care system. One of his major accomplishments, the Poopstrong campaign, brought unprecedented attention to the issue of coverage caps in student health care.
Led by graduate students at ASU, this initiative raised over $100,000 for his treatment.
Upon finding the needed financial coverage, Arjit donated thousands of dollars to local nonprofits and research centers dedicated to fighting cancer. The Arijit Guha Graduate Student Advocacy Award was created to honor his memory.
What is the award?
The Arijit Guha Graduate Student Advocacy Award recognizes ASU graduate students for their involvement, service, research and leadership in advancing a cause through advocacy efforts on all ASU campuses.
Who is eligible?
Currently enrolled Graduate students across all ASU campuses (including online students)
who have made significant contribution towards the advancement of an advocacy cause relevant to ASU graduate students are eligible to apply
What is the prize?
Each year two winners are awarded each (1) a monetary prize of $750 (subject to payroll taxes), cross-campus recognition and are honored at the Annual Spring Awards Ceremony.
What’s the process?
Applications open: Monday, January 9th, 2023
Applications close: Monday, February 13th, 2023, 11:59pm MST
ZoomGrants evaluation: Monday, February 20th - Friday, March 3rd, 2023
Award notification: Friday, March 17th, 2023
- Submit the following documents with the application form:
- A personal statement (no longer than 5 pages) with examples demonstrating how their work as staff contributes to the educational and personal development of ASU graduate students.
- A two-page CV
- Consult the applicant rubric for scoring criteria.
Application Review: Monday, February 20th - Friday, March 3rd, 2023
- The GPSA Professional Development Committee reviews all the applications and scores them according to the applicant rubric.
Winners notified by: Friday, March 17th, 2023
- GPSA will promptly email award letters to the winners.
- Winners are awarded a $750 prize and a GPSA-endorsed certificate at the prestigious GPSA Spring Awards Ceremony.
If you have questions, please contact GPSA’s Awards Team (
Applications open: Monday, January 9th, 2023
Applications close: Friday, February 10th, 2023
Award notification: Friday, March 10th, 2023
About the award
In 1984, the Associated Students of Arizona State University (ASASU) had a vision. They sought to recognize, encourage, and award ASU faculty based on their outstanding leadership and instruction both within and beyond the classroom. The need to attract and retain the highest quality leaders and teachers to our faculty was the catalyst that led to the establishment of the Associated Students Centennial Endowment Fund which allowed the creation of the Centennial Professorship Award.
By acknowledging and promoting these qualities of academic excellence and community service and embeddedness in our faculty, the Centennial Professorship program seeks to encourage all faculty members to continue their innovative educational practices both in and outside the classroom.
The Centennial Professorship Award is very prestigious, and recipients are recognized and announced in April on the GPSA & ASASU website and in the GPSA Awards Ceremony.
Applications open: Monday, January 9th, 2023
Applications close: Friday, February 10th, 2023
ZoomGrants evaluation: Monday, February 13th - Friday, March 3rd, 2023
Award notification: Friday, March 10th, 2023
Application Application Rubric
- Submit the following documents with the application form:
- A personal statement (no longer than 5 pages) with examples demonstrating how their work as staff contributes to the educational and personal development of ASU graduate students.
- A two-page CV
- Consult the applicant rubric for scoring criteria.
Application Review: Monday, February 13th - Friday, March 3rd, 2023
- The GPSA Professional Development Committee reviews all the applications and scores them according to the applicant rubric.
Winners notified by: Friday, March 10th, 2023
- GPSA will promptly email award letters to the winners.
If you have questions, please contact GPSA’s Awards Team (