However, the university may require or encourage students to complete educational and/or substance use/abuse programs if deemed a helpful intervention for the students involved. Each situation would be evaluated on a case by case basis to allow for appropriate support and care for student well-being.

Good Samaritan Protocol

Help save a life
Student’s safety and health, while receiving their education, is a top priority of Arizona State University.
ASU has put into place a Good Samaritan Protocol, to further advance our Community of Care. Under the Good Samaritan protocol, students and/or organizations that seek assistance for themselves or others should do so without fear of university disciplinary action.
Both students under and above the legal drinking age are expected to contact ASU Community Assistants, ASU Police, or seek medical attention by calling 9-1-1 when assistance is needed for an intoxicated/impaired student.
Good Samaritan Protocol information
In serious and/or life-threatening situations where alcohol poisoning or the over-consumption of other drugs is involved, students are expected to do the following without fear of university disciplinary action following suit:
Recognize signs of a potential medical emergency.
Engage emergency medical services by calling 9-1-1!
Stay with the person until help arrives.
Put them in the recovery position on their side to prevent choking.
Provide the emergency medical personnel with as much information as possible including the amount and type of alcohol or substances consumed.
University officials will record names of students involved to enable any follow-up from the Dean of Students Office that may be deemed necessary to ensure students’ well-being. Other information may also be recorded to enable any other necessary follow up.
Drug or alcohol overdose can cause serious physical damage to internal organs like the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and the brain. Do not let a situation where a person is in medical crisis go unreported as this is a life-threatening situation. By staying with the person until help arrives, you are potentially helping to save a life.
It is important to recognize that you can do something in situations where someone may need help. As Sun Devils, we take fundamental responsibility for safety and well-being. While you might be concerned about what will happen after you call for help, the most important thing is getting the person help immediately. Waiting to see if the person comes out of it, driving the person to the hospital yourself, or leaving the person, can result in extreme medical distress or even death. Calling 9-1-1 is the right thing to do and ASU will support you for your decision to do so.
- Gagging, vomiting, throwing up, or puking
- Seizures
- Impaired speech, memory, coordination, attention and balance
- Altered levels of consciousness: confusion, stupor, unconscious, or inability to wake up
- Changes to body temperature: low or high body temperature
- Changes in skin color: flushed, red, or hot to touch or bluish skin color, paleness, clammy or cold to touch
- Changes to breathing or heart rate: rapid, erratic, slowed or nonexistent
If a person has any one of these symptoms call 9-1-1 for medical assistance.
A student is reluctant to call an ambulance when a friend becomes unconscious following consumption of alcohol and/or other substances because the reporting student is under the age of 21 and was also consuming alcohol.
A student is reluctant to report that they were sexually assaulted because they had consumed alcohol and are under the age of 21.
A student is reluctant to call an ambulance when another student becomes ill or unconscious following consumption of alcohol and/or other substances at a fraternity/sorority or student organization party because the reporting student is afraid that their organization will get in trouble.
A residence hall student is reluctant to call the community assistant on duty in a situation when another resident is dangerously intoxicated because they were also violating the residence hall alcohol policy and fear they could face residence hall sanctions.
This Good Samaritan Protocol is supported by Arizona State University, but does not prevent legal action by local and state authorities due to current state laws. Incidents of violence, sexual assault, vandalization, harassment, hazing, etc. may face disciplinary action with the university. This protocol will be taken into consideration when medical intervention is deemed necessary by a health care professional who responds to the medical emergency.
Student Rights and Responsibilities and/or the Dean of Students will evaluate the situation to determine whether the Good Samaritan Protocol applies.
Student Rights and Responsibilities and/or the Dean of Students Office will decide if both the reporter and/or the individual who required medical attention would need to meet with either office.
A meeting with a member of the Student Rights and Responsibilities and/or Dean of Students office is the required next step. Students may not be sent to meet with ASU Police. Students will not face disciplinary actions from the university; however, they may be subject to educational interventions and requested to complete substance use/abuse interventions. Each situation would be evaluated on a case by case basis to allow for addressing repeat incidents accordingly.
After the meeting, it is up to the staff member on whether a referral of a substance abuse specialist for assessment, counseling, educational intervention and/or possible referral for treatment is the next step.
Students who are referred but do not complete the stipulations of the referral process may be subject to further requirements or disciplinary action.
A Good Samaritan Protocol on campus is essential to promote the care and well-being of students needing medical attention. While education on the danger of drugs and alcohol is important - it is also important to have help after an incident as well. Due to the risk of violence, injuries, and death connected to the use and misuse, and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, a Good Samaritan protocol allows students to seek help for themselves and others without the anxieties of extreme repercussions. By making a commitment to calling 9-1-1 in these situations, you are following university protocol and contributing to our Community of Care.
ASU’s Good Samaritan Protocol applies to all students attending the university, including an under-age student in need of medical attention or an under-age student seeking medical help for an individual under the influence. The protection of this protocol applies to on-campus incidents or incidents occurring off-campus at an ASU registered student event, whereby the individuals seeking assistance call immediately upon the need for medical help.
This protocol may not apply to:
Incidents of concern including but not limited to violence, sexual assault, vandalization, harassment or hazing. Victims/survivors who experience medical distress will not face disciplinary action.
An individual or group in situations resulting in serious physical injury or death.
An incident with the involvement of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs when attempting to seek medical treatment or care for another individual.
Criminal offenses in conjunction with the use or misuse of substances.
An individual who is contacted by a law enforcement agency other than ASU Police, unless that agency is working for Arizona State University. These law enforcement agencies are not bound under the same rules and partnership with Arizona State University.
Individuals with repeated incidents of concern or a history of concerning behaviors.
Any calls to medical professionals deemed to attempt to invoke the Good Samaritan Protocol without due cause to avoid disciplinary action may face additional disciplinary action.