Engage, Connect, Belong.
We are glad you are a part of the Sun Devil family.
The Office of the Dean of Students is dedicated to being a resource to students through support, advocacy, involvement, and accountability. With a goal of nurturing student success for all Sun Devils, we strive to foster a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for learning and achievement in and out of the classroom while setting the standard of excellence in the delivery services for students facing challenges to their success. We are honored to support you in your efforts.
Go Devils!
Connect with us.
The Dean of Students Office is ready to assist students, staff, faculty, family and community members with student questions, issues and concerns.

We’re Here to Help!
The Dean of Students Office seeks to be the “go to” spot for student assistance on campus. Our office serves as a connector and referral resource to individualized support through a wide array of services. Whether you require immediate or long-term support, we are here to help you get connected to university resources or meet with a staff member.
Resources and Services

Get to Know Your Dean of Students
When you don’t know an answer or need help finding resources, connect with us!
Find out why the Dean of Students Office is your “go to” resource when you need someone to listen, serve as a referral source or help you navigate through the university. Students often visit with a Dean of Students team member when they are anticipating or returning from an extended absence, are feeling overwhelmed by a family or personal emergency, or have a concern about grading or other classroom issues. But, a student should not hesitate to ask other questions. When you don’t know who to ask, ask the Dean of Students.