The show tells the story of ten women who faced the consequences of the war in Ukraine. By dramatizing the honest confessions of Ukrainian women, the viewer is put in front of the atrocities women encounter in the war, a raw and unadorned reality of their lives; a reality that, unfortunately, is not foreign to us today. PAGING UKRAINE covers experiences of women and war, women in war and women after the war–the small stories of ordinary people.
The show tells the story of ten women who faced the consequences of the war in Ukraine. By dramatizing the honest confessions of Ukrainian women, the viewer is put in front of the atrocities women encounter in the war, a raw and unadorned reality of their lives; a reality that, unfortunately, is not foreign to us today. PAGING UKRAINE covers experiences of women and war, women in war and women after the war–the small stories of ordinary people.
The ASU Symphony Orchestra celebrates the beginning of the spring season with one the early 20th century’s lesser-known treasures, Lili Boulanger’s "D'un matin de printemps" ("Of a Spring Morning"), and continues with Rimsky Korsakov’s "Capriccio Espagnol," a virtuosic and sparkling fantasy on Spanish themes. Symphony No. 4, Tchaikovsky’s powerful drama of the struggle with the inescapable power of fate concludes the concert.
Join us at ASU Gammage when ASU faculty, Brad Edwards (trombone) is featured on Howls and Hymns by Viet Cuong. Also on the concert is music from Leonard Bernstein’s "Romeo and Juliet" inspired "West Side Story" and Paul Hindemith’s epic Symphony in Bb.
Heart on Fire (2022)..................................................................Viet Cuong (b. 1990) Consortium Premiere
Join us on Valentine’s Day for a special event in ASU Gammage where the Maroon and Gold Band joins in perfect harmony with the ASU Philharmonia.
Sun Devil Stadium
Select Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and
Select Saturdays at 9:30 a.m.
ASU 365 Community Union presents free 1-hour-long yoga classes led by a rotating cast of local instructors. Classes are open to the public and all-levels are invited to practice, whether you are a beginner or expert. We recommend bringing your own yoga mat, water and a towel.
Sun Devil Stadium
Select Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and
Select Saturdays at 9:30 a.m.
ASU 365 Community Union presents free 1-hour-long yoga classes led by a rotating cast of local instructors. Classes are open to the public and all-levels are invited to practice, whether you are a beginner or expert. We recommend bringing your own yoga mat, water and a towel.
Sun Devil Stadium
Select Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and
Select Saturdays at 9:30 a.m.
ASU 365 Community Union presents free 1-hour-long yoga classes led by a rotating cast of local instructors. Classes are open to the public and all-levels are invited to practice, whether you are a beginner or expert. We recommend bringing your own yoga mat, water and a towel.
Sun Devil Stadium
Select Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and
Select Saturdays at 9:30 a.m.
ASU 365 Community Union presents free 1-hour-long yoga classes led by a rotating cast of local instructors. Classes are open to the public and all-levels are invited to practice, whether you are a beginner or expert. We recommend bringing your own yoga mat, water and a towel.
Sun Devil Stadium
Select Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and
Select Saturdays at 9:30 a.m.
ASU 365 Community Union presents free 1-hour-long yoga classes led by a rotating cast of local instructors. Classes are open to the public and all-levels are invited to practice, whether you are a beginner or expert. We recommend bringing your own yoga mat, water and a towel.