Frequently Asked Questions and Resources
You can find your academic advisor’s email and phone number on your My ASU page under “Academic Support Team”
You can learn more about ASU Sync, remote classes delivered through Zoom, as well as ASU’s additional learning environments for the spring 2021 semester here.
For more information and for ASU Sync Student Support, please visit: https://provost.asu.edu/sync/students
The ASU Experience Center is open 24/7, 365 days a year to help you. If you have questions or need support, get in touch now. Find answers to your questions via quick resources, phone, or live chat.
Any currently enrolled ASU student without a computer or access to a computer is eligible to check out a laptop.
Any currently enrolled ASU student without Internet access is eligible to check out a hotspot.
To request a laptop or hotspot and for additional information, please visit here.
Yes, testing is available at no charge for any student or employee who needs or wants a test. Students and employees may register for a COVID-19 test. For more details, please visit here.
Spring Welcome events can be found here. New events are added each day, so check back often for new, engaging opportunities.
Navigate over 1,000 registered student organizations in SunDevilSync and find the perfect club for you. You can browse organizations, events, and activities in the Sun Devil community. Learn more ways to get involved here.
If you are having challenges with your roommate and need some additional suppot, the first step is getting some peer-assistance from your Community Assistant (or CA). If you need further assistance, you can connect with your Community Director/Manager or Assistant Community Director about next steps.
The meal plan change process is outlined here with additional Meal Plan FAQs. For additional information regarding Sun Devil Dining and Meal Plans, please visit: https://sundevildining.asu.edu/meal-plans
The Academic Calendar outlines all upcoming tuition deadlines in addition to other important dates to remember. You can save the Tuition Deadline overview for a quick reference.
Your ASU tuition bill can be paid online, in-person, by check, with financial aid, using a a prepaid or College Savings Plan or with a student account refund. Payments are not accepted over the phone. You can view detailed information here.
You can view an overview of per semester tuition and fees here.
You can purchase a parking permit through the transportation portal. To learn more about permits and to purchase a permit, visit: https://cfo.asu.edu/permits
A benefit available to ASU parking permit holders, cross parking allows for parking in designated areas on all ASU campuses for free. Visit here for the designated areas for each campus’ list of designated cross parking location(s)
The Campus Shuttles are a sustainable and quick way of getting from campus-to-campus with your Sun Devil community!
You can read about each of the routes, track your shuttle, and even get live route updates here.
The first step for you is to make sure you have uploaded your photo and that it has been approved. An ASU card choice team member will call you after your orientation date and provide information on how to select and obtain your card. will then contact you to help you make your choice. You can learn more about your options here: https://cfo.asu.edu/cardservices
YES! Download the free ASU mobile app to view all four ASU campus maps. You can even get walking directions.
The Sun Devil Campus Stores are the best place to buy and rent textbooks. They will know which texts your professors plan to use. Take your schedule - or be able to access it - when you go to a campus bookstore and they can assist you. )