Get Involved
Get Involved
Undergraduate Student Government is a great way to get involved with advocating for fellow students, representing the undergraduate class, and making changes within the university to better the daily lives of students. Students have many options when it comes to being involved with USG. Students are encouraged to become interns, apply for open positions, and run during the spring semester for elected leadership roles. Students are also encouraged to apply to be on University Boards and Committees, as well as the ASASU Supreme Court! Want to learn more? Send us an email at
The following are the current opportunities for students to get involved.
USG-West Valley Legislative Positions
Judicial Positions
No open positions at this time
Director Positions
Director of Sustainability and Director of Online Student Advocacy
Senate Positions
Senator, Thunderbird School of Global Management (One Open Online Seat)
Senator, W.P. Carey School of Business (One Open Seat)
Senator, Watts College of Public Service and Community Service (One Open Seat)
Senator, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (One Open Online Seat)
Senator, Barrett the Honors College (One Open Online Seat)
University Boards and Committees
Volunteer to serve on one of our student Boards and Committees to make an impact at ASU by proposing changes and solutions to the Council of Presidents.
Helping Hands
The purpose of ‘Helping Hands’ is so students that do not have time or availability to commit to clubs or be part of on campus initiatives and events to still be involved by helping run events. We can offer community service hours for students that participate and sign up. The purpose of this is so students can get involved without the commitment of being part of a club but as well so events that are held have enough people to run it, please click the link to get involved or register an event.
Use this service today using your ASU email!
Want to visit USG-West Valley? Contact Sedra Shahin to schedule a tour.