In this first Text Analysis Virtual Workshop series, we delve into foundational understanding and practical applications of text analysis. Defining concepts like text mining and natural language processing, we explore their uses in social sciences, digital humanities, and beyond. We will then discover how these methods address complex inquiries, enriching our grasp of societal phenomena. Beyond academia, we will showcase text analysis's efficacy in marketing, finance, and more.

In the follow-up Visualization 2 virtual workshop, we will venture into ggplot's advanced features, equipping participants with visualization techniques to resolve complex challenges. We will first explore how to create informative animated visualizations. Attendees will then have the opportunity to uncover the power of coordinates and maps, illuminating how data can be spatially represented for deeper insights.

this first visualization workshop serves as an insightful introduction to the power of ggplot. The virtual workshop will guide participants through the art of crafting compelling visualizations that convey complex insights and stories. We will start with explaining why we should care about visualizations. By understanding the "why" behind visualization, we can gain an appreciation for its pivotal role in modern data analysis.

Arizona State University welcomes British-Bangladeshi birder, environmentalist and activist Mya-Rose Craig as a guest in its TomorrowTalks series. Craig will discuss her memoir "Birdgirl" (2023) in an online event on Tuesday, Sep. 26, 2023 at 5 p.m. Arizona / MST (5 p.m. PDT / 6 p.m. MDT / 7 p.m. CDT / 8 p.m. EDT).

The event is free of charge and open to the public; please register to attend.

If there are millions of Americans who are blind, deaf, or both, why do too many pretend that people with these disabilities don't exist or worst, are incapable of being functional members of society? This program, led by local Deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind/CVHL community members goes beyond addressing gaps in accessibility to open attendees up to the rich and vibrant world of identity, language, and culture among people with disabilities.

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