If we hope to achieve the global will and cooperation needed to meet the challenges of the climate crisis, we need stories of hope and transformation, not just disaster and deprivation. These stories should be rooted both in local realities and scientific insights. If we can inspire communities around the world to imagine their own positive climate futures, we can begin to imagine and undertake the work necessary to rebuild our economies and cultures on more sustainable foundations.

The ASU Maroon and Gold Band and the ASU Wind Symphony perform their final concert of 2021. The concert will feature the works of Grainger, Himes, Greenaway and others.

Sally Greenaway: Aurora Musis Amica
Kristen Zelenak, guest conductor
Williams Himes: Amazing Grace
Percy Grainger: Lincolnshire Posy

With his string of bestselling novels, Neal Stephenson has carved out a space at the forefront of contemporary fiction, exploring and shaping our cultural imaginary about the future and how it might feel to inhabit it. In his latest novel, Termination Shock, Stephenson explores one of the most pressing global issues of our time—climate change. Frustrated by the inaction of the world’s nations and international institutions, billionaire restaurant chain magnate T.R.

Join ASU Family in congratulating the fall 2021 graduating class during ASU's commencement and convocation celebrations! In-person ceremonies are being offered in addition to live-streamed options for guests watching from home. Please visit graduation.asu.edu or click the links below for more details and information on how you can help celebrate the achievements of our incredible Sun Devils this year.

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