Launch yourself into new universes while exploring favorite animations and graphic illustrations! Invent your own stories, characters, and worlds as you create and illustrate your own comics, anime, and manga. Collaborate with peers or develop unique drawings as you learn to storyboard, practice figures and poses, explore color palettes, and more.

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Make a mini-series about animals or an animated short about the galaxy– all while using materials that you create yourself! Stop Motion Animation is a highly-detailed animation process that uses up to 40 photos per second to create seamless videos. Participants will work individually or collaboratively as they create storyboards and construct, shoot, and edit a short video using various materials such as clay, construction paper, and small objects.

Make prints, book covers, and stickers with screenprinting! Students will practice the printing and layering process with self-made transparencies and stencils as they incorporate techniques of drawing, tracing, detailed cutting, and found object exposure. Water-based inks in a variety of colors will be mixed for printing. In addition, students will learn a non-traditional watercolor method used for monoprints. Students will take home their creations, as well as their own School of Art tote bag.

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