Sun Devil Child Care Subsidy
Sun Devil Child Care Subsidy
The intent of this Subsidy is to help ASU student parents with their coursework-related child care costs. The Graduate and Professional Student Association and Undergraduate Student Governments fund the program.
Who may apply?
To be eligible for the Sun Devil Child Care Subsidy, you must be:
- Enrolled in a degree granting program at ASU.
- Undergraduates: Enrolled in at least 12 credits per semester by the application deadline of 8/22/25 and still enrolled in at least 12 credits or more at the 21st day of the semester.
- Graduates: Enrolled in at least 6 credits and/or 1 credit for doctoral students per semester by the application deadline of Aug. 22, 2025 and still enrolled in at least 6 credits and/or 1 credit for doctoral students at the 21st day of the semester.
- Be the parent(s)/legal guardian of a child(ren), ages 6 weeks – 12 years of age, utilizing child care services.
- Demonstrate financial need through documentation.
- International and online student parents, who meet the criteria, can also apply.
- Submit all required application materials by the application deadline of Aug. 22, 2025.
If I have not yet selected a child care provider, can I submit my application without this information?
Yes, you may submit your application, however, if awarded, your provider will need to submit documentation.
Are there restrictions on what child care provider I may use?
Applicants must use the following options:
- A licensed child care center and/or before and after school program.
- Paying an individual to provide child care in a home other than the student parents
- Individuals (non-parent) providing paid child care in a student’s home.
IMPORTANT: The subsidy cannot be used to pay a parent for the care of their child.
How do I apply for this Subsidy?
COMPLETE the Sun Devil Care Subsidy Application via the Scholarship Universe Portal.
If awarded, how much funding can I expect to receive?
Award amounts are $500/$700/$1,000 per semester, subject to available funding.
What else do I need to know?
- Availability of the Subsidy is contingent upon available funding.
- The Subsidy requires all students to reapply each year.
- The Subsidy is not available for Summer school.
- In the case where two ASU student parents are applying for a Subsidy for their child (ren), subsidy monies will be awarded to a single individual on behalf of the family.
- Financial Aid awards are capped at Standard Cost of Attendance. In some cases, acceptance of the Sun Devil Child Care Subsidy may cause changes to your eligibility for other federal and institutional aid programs. If you’ve already accepted aid (including loans) up to your calculated Cost of Attendance, you may wish to submit a Student Budget Review to Financial Aid and Scholarship Services to have your childcare expenses considered.
- Submissions can not be reviewed by administrator until after closing date.
Recipient Responsibilities:
- A penalty, cancellation or repayment of the Subsidy can result from: Student failure to make satisfactory progress towards their degree; student failure to enroll in a minimum of 12 credits for undergraduates or 6 credits for masters students and/or 1 credit for doctoral students during the Fall and Spring semesters; student withdrawals from classes OR has a significant reduction in classes during a semester; withdrawal from ASU; not complying with Subsidy requirements and/or providing inaccurate information.
What happens next?
- All applicants will be contacted, via the email listed on their application, to confirm receipt of their application as well as the final status of their application. The first email will be issued between the 21st and 30th day of the semester.
- Students awarded a Subsidy will be sent an email and Acceptance Form, that includes the Subsidy amount, time periods covered, and their responsibilities as a Subsidy recipient. A Child Care Enrollment Verification Form must also be completed by each of your child care provider(s).No awards will be processed until all completed forms are received.
- All awarded students will be notified when disbursement of their subsidy is expected to occur. Funds are disbursed into the Awarded applicant’s Student Account, either as a direct deposit into a student’s bank account or as a check mailed to them. Funds are disbursed by the semester. ASU needs to verify student status which cannot occur until after the last drop deadline.
- Survey: Towards the end of the semester, all recipients will be sent a survey in order to gather information on usage and effectiveness of the program as well as to summarize attitudes, opinions and experiences of the Subsidy recipients.
What if I need additional supports or resources?
- If you are in need of supportive resources, notify Student Advocacy and Assistance by completing the Student Care Form here: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?ArizonaStateUniv&layout_id=2
- Please subscribe to the ASU Family newsletter for important information and events for ASU families
Direct your questions to: Trish Bawn (tbawn@asu.edu) - Assistant Dean of Students