Breastfeeding Support
Whether mothers are planning to pump while on campus, or are able to bring their infant with them, this website is intended to help nursing mothers by the provision of private designated spaces on campus.
Currently there are a growing number of clean, comfortable and private designated spaces for mothers to express their milk on the Tempe, Downtown, West and Polytechnic campuses. The spaces listed below provide electrical outlets, comfortable chairs, and nearby running water. This website provides you with their locations and, if needed, reservation information. Mothers may also find this information on ASU's interactive maps - Services - Wellness/Lactation Rooms
Tempe campus - Memorial Union, lower level, L1-41
This room is equipped with a lockable door, chair, foot stool, small table, electrical outlets, sink, counter space, and lighting with a dimmer switch. Mothers must bring their own pump and storage accessories. Reservations are strongly recommended.
Reservations: Please submit your reservation request at least 3 business days before the requested start date. Reservation requests submitted with less than 3 business days may not be processed in time and drop-in use may be your only option.
Reservations can be booked in 30 minute increments. Maximum of 3 time slots are reservable per day.

Tempe campus - Memorial Union, lower level, L1-43
This room is equipped with a lockable door, chair, foot stool, small table, electrical outlets, sink, counter space, and lighting with a dimmer switch. Mothers must bring their own pump and storage accessories. Reservations are strongly recommended.
Reservations: Please submit your reservation request at least 3 business days before the requested start date. Reservation requests submitted with less than 3 business days may not be processed in time and drop-in use may be your only option.
Reservations can be booked in 30 minute increments. Maximum of 3 time slots are reservable per day.
Tempe campus - Hayden Library C25 & C27
These lactation rooms are equipped with a comfortable chair, side table and electrical outlet. Mothers must bring their own pump and storage accessories. You must use your Sun Care to access the room.
Make a reservation
For more information call 480-965-3605 or visit the website
Tempe campus - Fulton Center, Suite 320, Wellness room #3237
This room is equipped with a lounge chair and side table. Mothers must bring their own pump and storage accessories. For reservations go to Outlook: m.room.found.3237. Contacts: Maryanne Patterson 480-727-9920 or Monica McBee 480-965-7955.

Downtown campus - Mercado C Women’s restroom #312C
This lactation space is in the women’s restroom on the third floor of Mercado C. This room is equipped with a privacy curtain, electrical outlet, table and a comfortable chair. Mothers must bring their own pump and storage accessories.

Downtown campus - Post Office, Women’s restroom #200W1
This lactation space is in the women’s restroom on the second floor of the Post Office building. This space is equipped with a chair, privacy curtain, electrical outlet and a place to put a pump. Mothers must bring their own pump and storage accessories.

Downtown campus - Westward Ho, Center for Child Well-Being, Room #115J
This lactation room is equipped with a table and chair, refrigerator and electrical outlet. Available on a first come first served basis. Mothers must bring their own pump. Room is available Monday-Friday, 8am - 5pm.

Polytechnic campus - Student Union
This room is equipped with a lockable door, electrical outlet, sink and a comfortable chair. Users must bring their own pump and storage accessories. The room is available without a reservation on a first come, first served basis from Monday - Friday: 7am to 8pm. Saturday and Sunday: 9am to 7pm. To access the room, please contact the Information Desk. To report any problems with the room, please contact the Information Desk or email Jennifer Stults.

West Campus - Sun Devil Fitness West – Women’s changing room level 2 - #201W1
This lactation room is located inside the women’s restroom on the west end of the Sun Devil Fitness Complex, second floor. This room is equipped with a lockable door, electrical outlet, table and a comfortable chair. Mothers must bring their own pump and storage accessories. Reservations are allowed up to 24 hours in advanced by calling 602-543-3488. Additionally, the room is available without a reservation on a first come, first served basis. Key must be picked up at the Sun Devil Fitness information desk, prior to accessing the room. To report any problems with the room, please contact the Information Desk or email Jared Swerzenski.
Students: If the proximity of these locations is inconvenient, contact Student.Accessibility@asu.edu
Faculty & Staff: If the proximity of these locations is inconvenient, you may request designation of a quiet lactation room through your department.
Storing Breast Milk while on Campus:
Consider how you will store your pumped milk while you are on campus. For those who do not have access to a refrigerator within your campus department, an insulated cooler with ice packs is an acceptable method for keeping milk cool for use with healthy full-term infants.
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/recommendations/handling_breastmilk.htm
Arizona resources
Arizona Breastfeeding Coalition (ABC)- www.azbreastfeeding.org/
Arizona Department of Health Services Breastfeeding Program - www.gobreastmilk.org
ADHS Women, Infants and Children (WIC) - www.azwic.gov/
Useful websites
The Business Case for Breastfeeding:
"Employee's Guide to Breastfeeding and Working" - https://uhs.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/wellness-womenshealth_breastfeedingandworking.pdf
La Leche League International - http://www.lllofaz.org/
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine - www.bfmed.org/
United States Breastfeeding Committee - www.usbreastfeeding.org
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners - www.napnap.org/
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action - www.waba.org.my/