Red Flag Campaign

The ASU Red Flag Campaign

Every year, the ASU community comes together to participate in the Red Flag Campaign to not only offer support to victims and survivors of relationship violence, but to work together towards the prevention of violence. The Red Flag Campaign uses a bystander intervention strategy to address and prevent sexual assault, dating violence and stalking on college campuses. Throughout the campaign, ASU community members are invited to learn more about relationship warning signs or red flags, and the spectrum of relationships, which demonstrates how relationships range from healthy to abusive with unhealthy existing somewhere in between.

Any relationship can be healthy, unhealthy or abusive. Unfortunately, these red flags do not just apply to our significant others, romantic or dating relationships. They apply to everyone in our life including our family and friends, as all our relationships should help us thrive. Throughout the campaign, students, staff, and faculty are invited to create their own red flags which are displayed across campus or virtually on the SRVP Instagram.

Red flags displayed in the past:

  • Isolating you from friends and family
    Isolation is a big red flag and a common experience in abusive relationships. All healthy relationships encourage your independence and connection with others. 
  • Breaking boundaries
    All healthy relationships involve the respect of each other’s boundaries. It can be a red flag when boundaries are disrespected and consent isn’t a foundation of the relationship. 
  • Coercive behavior
    Coercion of any kind voids consent. Everyone’s boundaries should be respected, including when they say “no” or don’t want to engage in an activity.
  • Not allowed to go out without partner’s permission
    This may be suggestive of other controlling behaviors. A healthy relationship doesn’t limit you. In fact, it encourages your independence and individual autonomy. 

Red Flag Campaign

Get Involved in the Red Flag Campaign

Stop by one of our upcoming tabling events across ASU’s four Phoenix metropolitan campuses to decorate a red flag or visit the SRVP Instagram to create your own virtual red flag today. Take a moment to learn more about the spectrum of relationships and how to cultivate healthy relationships with all those around us.