Sun Devil Support Network
What is the Sun Devil Support Network (SDSN)?
Nationally, colleges and universities are reporting that one in five undergraduate women and one in sixteen undergraduate men experience attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. Such violence has a profound impact on a victim’s academic, social and personal life, and negatively affects the experiences of their friends and families, fellow students and all members of the ASU university community. Launching in Spring semester 2015, the Sun Devil Support network (SDSN) is intended to be a peer advocate network for students who have experienced sexual violence.
Students in SDSN are members of the ASU community trained to work with survivors of sexual assault on a variety of fronts. A student serving as a member of SDSN can provide support and information about legal, medical, and psychological resources available on and off campus. The current list of students serving on the Sun Devil Support Network who have completed their training for SDSN is available here.