Free speech at ASU
The First Amendment and you
Freedom of speech is a hallmark of any public university. ASU is committed to the sharing of different ideas and points of view. At times, you’ll hear things you don’t agree with or that you find offensive. You have a choice. You can choose to engage. You can choose to debate. You can choose to walk away. To learn more, please review the resources provided below. For questions or concerns contact the Dean of Students on your campus.
University resources
Adoption of Chicago Statement of Freedom of Expression
Arizona State University has a long-standing commitment to free speech – a commitment that the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (“F.I.R.E.”) recognized when it gave ASU its “green light” rating in 2011. At the time, FIRE pointed out that “ASU, with a total enrollment of more than 60,000 students, is the largest university to have a ‘green light’ rating.” Earlier this year in a letter to President Crow, F.I.R.E. said it “sincerely appreciates that ASU is currently one of only 38 institutions in the entire country to earn our highest ‘green light’ rating for campus free speech. We commend the fact that ASU has ensured that its policies and regulations fully protect the freedom of expression of its students and faculty.”
Arizona State University’s existing principles on the importance of academic freedom and freedom of opinion and expression are also consistent with the July 28, 2020 report by the United Nations to the General Assembly entitled, “Promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.”
Important Policies and Resources
The primary function of Arizona’s public universities is to promote the discovery, improvement, transmission and dissemination of knowledge through research, teaching, discussion and debate.
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ASU has a limited amount of outdoor space under the administration of Educational Outreach and Student Services that may be reserved for use. ASU does not make space available to individuals or non-ASU organizations for private use.
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