Offering help

Using the Roadmap of Support

The Roadmap of Support is a guide to creating a safe, caring and empathic community. By knowing the Roadmap of Support steps, students can learn to feel comfortable discussing mental health, offering support and seeking help.

Be Aware


Many students feel overwhelmed, exhausted, sad, homesick and anxious. If you notice a friend or peer may be struggling with signs of mental distress or your instincts tell you something might not be right, reach out.



Don’t be afraid to start the conversation. Tell the other person you care and share what you have noticed. For example, “I noticed you missed class yesterday, is everything okay?” or “You don’t seem like yourself lately, want to meet later to talk?”



When a friend shares that they are going through a difficult time, offer a helpful resource. This can be a professional, or an activity or idea that has helped you during a similar situation.

Follow Up


Check-in with your friend to re-connect and see how they are doing. Following up lets them know you are invested in their well-being and care about ensuring they get the help they need. This can be a quick text, or mentioning it the next time you see them in class.

Tips in the helping role

Be careful about keeping a friend's “secret”.

Recognize when you need to refer.

Think… solutions over problem solving.

Explain that you are there to help.

Trust your gut, involve a helping adult.

It’s not your responsibility to fix a friend.