CORA Constitution
Revised March 31, 2009
SEC A NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Council of Religious Advisors at Arizona State University.
SEC B PURPOSE: The purpose of this Council shall be to:
1. Promote good will, cooperation, and dialogue among all the religious groups represented in the student body of the university without any compromise of the beliefs of the particular faiths represented.
2. Build and foster an atmosphere on campus conducive to religious life and scholarly pursuits.
SEC A: Membership in the Council of Religious Advisors on each campus at ASU shall be based upon the following:
1. Each active member religious group must be actively sponsoring a student religious organization recognized by the University as a registered student organization.
2. Request for admission to membership shall include:
a. A statement from a properly delegated official of the religious group seeking representation that they desire membership and state their mission statement and goals.
b. A statement and credentials verifying that the organization desiring membership is a religious body, with a national, state, or local organization incorporated for the purpose of conducting religious services and other activities intended to encourage religious habits and principles into the lives of its adherents.
c. The name proposed to be used by the student organization of the religious group submitting application.
d. The name of the person(s) delegated to represent the religious group on the Council, after acceptance by the Council.
e. When the group seeking membership claims to represent more than one religious denomination or faith, a full set of credentials must be presented from each denomination or faith included in their representation.
3. The above request and credentials must be submitted to the University office on each campus that serves as the institutional liaison for that campus Council. The appropriate campus president of the Council of Religious Advisors will be notified of the request and will ensure that the requesting religious group receives a copy of the Constitution of the Council of Religious Advisors.
4. Admittance shall depend upon a majority vote of the quorum.
5. Religious groups serving the Arizona State University community, who are members of the Council of Religious Advisors shall be recognized as such and subject to the following provision: religious groups must abide by rules and regulations prescribed by Arizona State University as set forth in the Arizona Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct and/or the constitution of the Council of Religious Advisors. Failure to abide by these rules and regulations will be considered sufficient reason for dismissal from membership in the Council of Religious Advisors by a majority vote of the quorum.
6. The Council of Religious Advisors recognizes three types of membership: Active, Affiliate, and Provisional member groups.
a. Active member groups are those religious groups who pay annual dues of $50 payable by the second board meeting of the fall semester, have full-time religious work at Arizona State University with a registered student organization, attend meetings regularly and have full voting privileges. If they miss two consecutive meetings or miss paying annual dues, they will be contacted by the appropriate campus president of the Council of Religious Advisors as to their status being in jeopardy. Active members are eligible to apply for courtesy affiliate status with the university.
b. Affiliate member groups are those religious groups who also pay annual dues of $50 payable by the second board meeting of the fall semester, usually have part-time religious work at Arizona State University but may not have a large enough student membership to support a registered student organization, attend meetings regularly, and have full voting privileges. If they miss two consecutive meetings or miss paying annual dues, they will be contacted by the appropriate campus president of the Council of Religious Advisors as to their status being in jeopardy. Affiliate members are not eligible to apply for courtesy affiliate status with the university.
c. Provisional member groups are those religious groups who petition membership and are given a one-year provisional membership in order that the Council of Religious Advisors may familiarize itself with the prospective member's mission statement and goals. Under the provisional membership, they also pay annual dues of $50 payable by the second board meeting of the fall semester, have a full-time or part-time religious work at Arizona State University, and have the privilege to attend all meetings but without voting privileges. At the end of one year such groups must be voted on and passed by a majority of the quorum of the campus Council of Religious Advisors to which they are applying in order to be admitted to the Council of Religious Advisors as a member in full standing with voting privileges. Provisional members are not eligible to apply for courtesy affiliate status with the university.
d. Each campus council shall collect, maintain, and disperse its own annual dues collection via a bank or credit union account.
SEC B: 1. If a member group of the Council of Religious Advisors is absent for two meetings during the year without just cause, the appropriate campus president shall contact that member group to discuss the status of future participation on the Council.
2. Any campus's Council of Religious Advisors may call for a vote at any time in order to vote on a member group losing its status on the Council. Any group that is voted off of the Council shall immediately lose any benefit(s) associated with being members in good standing on the Council.
SEC A: The officers of the Executive Board representing each of the four Council of Religious Advisors shall be a president and vice president. The vice president shall also serve as the Council treasurer. Each campus Council shall designate a secretary
SEC B: 1. Officers shall be elected at the first meeting after the adoption of the Constitution. Thereafter they shall be elected at the last yearly meeting of the Council and shall take office June 1 of each year.
2. Nominations shall be made from the floor at the last yearly meeting.
3. Election shall be by a majority of the votes cast by the quorum of those present at the last yearly meeting.
SEC C: The president shall preside at all meetings, be an ex-officio member of all meetings of the Council when necessary.
SEC D: The vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in the president's absence.
SEC E: The secretary shall keep a full record of all business transacted, inform all member groups of each meeting, call the roll, keep a record of the attendance of each member group and perform all other secretarial duties.
SEC F: The vice president in his/her role as treasurer shall have charge and keep an accurate record of all funds, solicit funds, and pay bills upon order of the Executive Board.
SEC G: The Executive Board of each campus shall meet as a body at least once per semester. Each campus liaison department shall also be a part of these meetings.
SEC A: The first meeting of the Council of Religious Advisors shall be held within thirty days of the beginning of the academic year.
SEC B: The Executive Board of each campus shall meet as needed and/or at the request of the president of his/her respective campus. Any two members of the council may request additional meetings with a given cause. Prior notifications of meetings shall be given to all members at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
SEC A: A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the active and/or affiliate member groups present at any duly called meeting.
SEC A: Committees, with duties as indicated, shall be elected by the Council on each campus. Any vacancies shall be filled through appointment by the appropriate campus president. Committees may be regular standing committees or may be ad hoc committees addressing specific issues.
SEC A: Every meeting shall begin with a prayer, meditation, or moment of silence by the president or someone appointed to do so.
SEC A: Amendments must be presented in writing to all members of the Council of Religious Advisors of all four campus councils at a regularly scheduled meeting. Each Council will vote on the amendments being submitted at its regularly scheduled meeting and must be carried by a majority of the quorum present at that meeting.
SEC B: By-laws must be presented in writing and voted upon following the same format as in Article VIII, Section A, and must be carried by a majority vote of the quorum.
SEC A: One (1) vote per member group.
SEC B: The president(s) may vote only to break a tie vote.
SEC C: An affirmative vote must consist of a majority of the quorum present at the meeting in which the vote occurs.
SEC D: A vote on an issue other than amending the Constitution or Bylaws may be taken by email if the issue is one of urgency, if the council on any campus deems an email vote to be appropriate, or if the appropriate campus president requests such a vote. An affirmative vote must consist of a majority of the quorum.