Welcome to the Family Chats

Welcome to ASU! For families with students starting ASU in the Fall 2023 semester we will host 5 live Welcome to the Family Chats from April to August, 2023. Join us for casual conversation designed to connect you to the ASU Family community and university resources. Hosted by upper division families, the Welcome to the Family Chat provides all incoming families (including those of Transfer students) the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and connect family-to-family in preparation for their student's first semester at ASU. Come with your coffee and bring your Sun Devil spirit to these casual, virtual family-to-family gatherings. You may attend as many sessions as you like as each will feature different hosts and topics based on participant interests.

We hope you will join us to begin your family's ASU experience with the information and tools you need for a successful start. If you have any questions, email ASU Family at asufamily@asu.edu.

Coffee Dates

Session 4: Friday, July 21, 9-10 a.m. AZ

Session 5: Tuesday, August 1, 4:30-5:30 p.m. AZ

Please note that for these sessions, Arizona will be on Pacific Standard Time (PST), 3 hours behind Eastern Standard Time (EST). You can determine your adjusted time using this time zone converter.

Event Date


Event Location

Online (virtual event)

Hosting/Sponsoring organization/Unit

ASU Family



Name for event inquiries

ASU Family

Email for event inquiries
