RISE Center Seminars on Inclusion
Angela Byars-Winston, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr. Byars-Winston is a counseling psychologist and studies the impact of cultural diversity variables on academic and career development and mentorship, particularly in STEM fields. Dr. Byars-Winston is currently the Principal Investigator in the National Research Mentoring Network leading the Culturally Aware Mentoring initiative through the National Institutes of Health.
Talk Title: "Effective, Culturally Responsive Mentorship"
On historically white campuses, too often conversations related to human diversity are most concerned with increasing cultural appreciation and awareness for non-dominant groups. Relatedly, discussions of inclusion for marginalized individuals focus on the perceived economic, social and cultural deficiencies of underrepresented students. However, these approaches often fail to interrogate the ways institutions are structured – both physically and intellectually – to exclude religious, gender and racially minoritized students. Drawing on our work and research with Black students from various religious and spiritual backgrounds, we will make visible the various ways in which Whiteness, Christian hegemony and heteropatriarchy work, and how we might respond in ways rooted in equity and justice.
About the series:
A call to action: Striving toward inclusion in academic biology
An initiative sponsored by the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) focused on promoting awareness, understanding and commitment to change academic biology environments to be more inclusive. We are excited that speakers will be compensated for their time and this event is co-sponsored by Arizona State University’s HHMI Inclusive Excellence Project, SEISMIC Collaboration and the ASU RISE Center.
Zoom link: https://asu.zoom.us/j/85648295887
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Research for Inclusive STEM Education Center
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RISE Center Seminars on InclusionEmail for event inquiries
Sara.Brownell@asu.eduRSVP Link