College is a big transition in everybody’s life, and it can be difficult to adjust. Here are some necessary tips for you to have a smooth transition into your new college lifestyle.
Sign up for a campus tour
This is an easy way to explore the college campus as well as the residence halls. College campuses are huge and can be confusing at times. Having a tour guide take you around and show you where specific buildings are. Also the tour guides are able to answer any questions as well as have useful information. -
Get out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to people in your residence halls and classes
Many people in college do not know other people at the school. Making sure you introduce yourself to people close to you every day is important. You never know who will end up being your friend after giving a friendly greeting. Also try to be close with your roommate because it will make everyone feel more comfortable. Going back to a dorm room with a roommate you do not like is an unpleasant experience. -
Find some places on campus you enjoy studying at
Sometimes being in your room all day doing homework is unhealthy for you. Our brains sometimes need a different environment for better performance. Going for a quick walk onto campus and sitting in your study spot can be good for you. -
Being able to stay organized and on top of due dates
It is very important that you stay on track of your due dates because it is easy to fall behind. College is very different from high school. The professors will not be reminding you every day for upcoming due dates. Stay on top of your schoolwork by creating a to-do list or a calendar with all the dates of assignments. -
Actually, go to class
Every semester the attendance in classes starts to decrease drastically. It is essential to go to class, so you do not miss any important information. Also, someone is paying for your college tuition, so it is important to go to the class that is being paid for. Some days it is hard to get out of bed to attend class but pushing yourself is crucial. -
Do not be afraid to get help
Sometimes it is scary to ask for help when you are struggling. The professors are there to help you out if you are confused about something. Go up to the professor after class and ask your questions. Attending office hours is very helpful if you need more one-on-one time to get help. The teaching assistants are very useful as well. They are previous students that took the course, so they know the information pretty well. Use your resources to your advantage. -
Get involved on campus
It is hard to come to college and not know anyone. Getting involved in some clubs, sports, a job, and more can be really beneficial for meeting new people. Also being involved gives you something to do and it looks good on your resume. Find something that interests you and join it. -
It is necessary to take some time for yourself. College is a stressful time, and we need to take a moment and relax. Find time to add some self-care into your routine. It is very important we take care of our bodies when we are going through a big transition in our lives. -
It is okay to not know what your future career is
Many people starting out in college do not know what they want to do as a future career. Lots of students change their major a couple times before sticking to one. Take the classes you find interesting and that can help guide you in the right direction. Also talking to your parents, friends, and academic advisor can be very helpful in choosing the career path for you. Everyone feels lost about their career path in college so do not stress.
Hansen, R. S. (2023). Your First Year of College: 25 Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive in Your Freshman Year. Badger Nation Blog.
Leah Kahldon, Senior, Psychology