Food and Thought: Viva La People! Nourishing Through Story, Food and Play

Join the College of Health Solutions at ASU as Robert Farid Karimi, ASU assistant professor and artist, demonstrates how cooking with his mom — special guest Laura Colouch — sparked the ideas for his critically acclaimed The Cooking Show con Karimi y Comrades and ThePeopleCook Project.

Karimi and his mom will cook La Super Secret Special dish together (never before shared in public!) and discuss how their relationship has influenced his work; his outlook on participant-centered, culture-centered play spaces; the need for intergenerational dialogue and how artists can collaborate with health professionals.

Event Date


Event Location

Downtown Phoenix Campus


Health North

Hosting/Sponsoring organization/Unit

College of Health Solutions



Name for event inquiries

CHS events team

Email for event inquiries

550 N. 3rd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States