"1776 and Us: Finding the Founding in a Foundering Democracy" with Harvard professor Jane Kamensky

From the very beginning, the history and study of the American Revolution has been bound up with the national identity of the United States, and thus with the country’s present needs. In recent years, the competing imperatives of activists and journalists at both edges of our ideological spectrum have produced warring narratives of the American founding: slavery versus liberty, original sin versus germinal gift, a conclave of villains versus garden of heroes. Both of these approaches owe more to politics than to history. As we approach the quarter-millennium mark, how can we equip ourselves and our students with an understanding of the revolutionary era that is rigorous, complex, and above all, true to the evidence?





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School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership, Center for Constitutional Design at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law

Event for

Teens (13-17) Adults Current students Alumni Faculty and staff

Event location



Memorial Union

Email for event inquiries





Event Category

Name for event inquiries

School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership

Phone number for event inquiries