Changethe World

A showcase of lifelong-learning and innovation

Change the World on March 19, 2025 in Mountain America Stadium

Change the World is a showcase of ideas celebrating the imagination, efforts, and achievements of Lifelong-learning  on March 19, 2025 in Mountain America Stadium.  

The Change the World is a showcase and competition celebrates the imagination, efforts, and achievements of lifelong learning. Participate in the March 19, 2025 experience through art, pitches, performance, and exhibits. You have the power to change the world.

Change the World Application


What is Change the World?

The Change the World is an experience that celebrates the imagination, efforts and achievements of lifelong learners. Participate in the 2025 event at Mountain America Stadium through art, pitch, performance, and exhibits. Below are the different modes you are able to present your ideas at Change the World and be able to compete for prize money. No idea is too small to join in this showcase of ideas.

Other Ways to Engage at Change the World