Narrated by Jessica Chastain, Millie Bobbie Brown, and Patti Smith, this three-chapter interactive virtual reality journey from writer/director Eliza McNitt and executive producers Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel uncovers the hidden songs of the cosmos. Spheres premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and received the Grand Prize in VR at the Venice Film Festival.
Dive into the heart of a black hole to uncover the breakthrough discovery of gravitational waves. Fall into the darkness, and you will find the light.
Shigeto: Hovering by Conor Grebel and 79Ancestors is a transcendent tale of life-giving water brought to a dying planet. Constructed largely from physical elements digitally-scanned in nature, the vivid audiovisual collaboration offers an extraterrestrial virtual world built from terrestrial artifacts.
Dinner Party created by Charlotte Stoudt, Laura Wexler, Angel Soto, Skybound, Ryot and Telexist is based on the story of Betty and Barney HIll, the couple who reported the first nationally known UFO abduction case in America in the 1960’s.