

Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services is where eligibility for services and accommodations are established for qualified students with disabilities. For your convenience, there is a Student Accessibility office located on each of the four ASU campuses. Students with disabilities are encouraged to visit Student Accessibility on their particular campus and make the center an integral part of their educational experience.

Providing the support you need

This web site contains targeted information, links to other valuable ASU programs and services, and critical support for a successful academic experience. Student Accessibility invites students to explore resources, ask questions, visit with staff and utilize the programs and services designed to support their academic, career and life goals.

Most students take classes on multiple campuses, and we encourage students to become familiar with each campus Student Accessibility office where they are taking classes. Many accommodations are time sensitive and thus it is crucial that appropriate accommodations be arranged by the student within established timeframes to ensure availability in each setting.



701–01 Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services-General Policy

701–02 Eligibility for Accommodations-Required Disability Documentation 

701–03 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

701–04 Course Substitution

701–05 On-Campus Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities

701–06 Service Animals on ASU’s Campuses

701–07 Therapy and Emotional Support Animals in University/Campus Housing

701–08 Responsibilities of Individuals with Service, Therapy, or Emotional Support Animals on Campus and Exclusions from Campus

701–09 Grievance Policy

701–10: Accommodations and Services for Pregnant Students

Student Accessibility Guidelines

All participants must review and acknowledge the DART Guidelines in order to receive services.

Tempe Operating Hours are 7:10 – 6:45 Monday thru Friday

West, Downtown, and Polytechnic campus Operating Hours are 8 AM - 5 PM  Monday thru Friday

Disability Access and Resources Transportation (DART) operates on a scheduled, shared-ride basis for those in the ASU community who have a documented permanent or temporary mobility disability that limits their ability to walk prescribed distances.


DART participants are required to provide medical need documentation from their physician. In order to comply with Federal HIPAA privacy law requirements, you will be required to sign a medical records release which includes the required medical need documentation for your doctor to complete and return. DART supervisors will contact your physician.

  • Emergency Room discharge documents or prescriptions are not accepted forms of medical need documentation.
  • Participants must provide their physician’s full name, office fax number, and the office address.
  • The documentation is sent via a secure fax server and must be completed and received at our office in 8 business days from the date of registration. DART personnel are prohibited by law to verbally contact your physician. If the documentation has not been returned within the time frame allowed, you will be notified by email. It will be your responsibility to contact your doctor and follow up on your documentation.
  • Short term DART access without medical documentation, is available up to a maximum 5 consecutive business days. We will require receipt of medical documentation prior to your continuation of services beyond the 5th day.

DART Service Area Limitations

All DART rides will begin and end at a building, parking lot/structure owned or leased by ASU. The one exemption is the University/Rural Metro station. DART does not make stops at privately held apartments/condo complexes or businesses.

Info for Student Athletes

Due to time and logistical limitations, pick-up and drop-off for all rides to/from practice facilities east of Rural Rd will be at the Dickey Dome.

Scheduling and Pick-up/Drop-off

  • Rides from residence halls, parking lots/structures are scheduled with a “lead time” as early as 30 minutes before your scheduled class begins.  
    • Example: North of Veterans Way or south of Apache is a 30 minute lead time.
    • South of Veterans Way to University or north of Apache and south of Lemon is a 25 minute lead time. Campus core residence halls, such as Hayden, Best, McClintock Halls are a 20 minute lead time.

**Your lead time or any other ride time may be adjusted in order for us to maximize vehicle occupancy. We will notify you when this is necessary.

  • Each building and parking lot/structure on campus has a designated drop-off and pick-up location. Generally by the main entrance. Due to accessibility logistics, there are a few buildings with more than one location. A map noting the locations will be provided.
  • Pick-up times for those going from one class immediately to another class will be scheduled at the time the previous class time ends. You will be provided ample time to exit the building but are encouraged to do so as quickly as possible. 3-4 minutes is the average time needed to exit most campus buildings. All other rides returning to residence halls, parking facilities, libraries or the Memorial Union are scheduled 10 minutes after the class has ended.
  • Your driver may be assigned several scheduled pick-ups at the same time at multiple locations and are generally close together. Depending on where you are on your driver’s route, you could be the first or last pick-up on the route.
  • Our drivers are assigned rides according to the most efficient route. If you are making a destination change due to a change to a class location or going elsewhere after a class other than your residence hall or parking, please let us know ahead of time.  If necessary, we can re-assign the ride to the driver who can best accommodate you.  
  • There is a 90 minute break minimum for anyone who has a break between classes and would like to return to your residence hall or parking location. The 90 minute break is determined by the scheduled time of your previous class to your residence hall/parking to what would be the scheduled “lead time” from your residence hall/parking location. If the time frame between pick-ups does not meet the 90 minute rule, we can take you to and pick you up from the MU, library or take you to the location of your next class.

Mandatory Restrictions

  • DART carts are not equipped to transport wheelchairs, and other larger assistive equipment. Walkers and knee scooters MUST be collapsible and contained within your space when you are sitting in the cart. Crutches are ok.  The rider is responsible for ensuring that the equipment does not extend beyond any part of the vehicle or occupy another rider’s seat space while being transported. Drivers cannot provide physical assistance boarding and off boarding.
  • For safety purposes, riders with a service animal will always occupy the front seat. Service animals must never pose a safety hazard to anyone in the cart or to itself. DART reserves the right to terminate DART access to a service animal if the handler fails to maintain control of the animal.

No-Show and Cancellations

DART participants are required to call when not attending class/work for the day or not needing a particular ride to class due to a class cancellation.

Exam Scheduling

Due to some limitations of space, it is recommended that students request taking their exams in the Student Accessibility Office as soon as possible. This allows the office to coordinate and secure sufficient space or work with faculty to ensure testing accommodations are being provided.

For regular quizzes and exams during a semester, a request should be submitted at least three working days prior to the exam taking place.

For Final Exams, a request should be submitted at least 10 working days prior to the date of the exam.

These guidelines are established to help coordinate space, proctors, readers/scribes, and any technology that might be needed to ensure students taking exams can access the exam.

Bathroom Breaks

Due to the length of some exams, bathroom breaks may be allowed. Students will need to work with their Accessibility Consultant to determine if bathroom breaks during exams would be reasonable. There are several factors that would need to be considered to determine if a bathroom break is reasonable and will be determined on a case by case, and course by course basis. 


Student Accessibility receives instructions on how an exam is to be administered from faculty (Testing Agreement). Any item(s) that are found that do not align with the information provided by faculty will be documented and sent to the faculty for review to determine appropriate actions related to academic integrity. 

For more information, please see: https://provost.asu.edu/academic-integrity


Requests should be submitted as early as possible to ensure sufficient time to convert materials into the needed format.  Securing materials can take up to a couple of months. 

Students need to provide proof of purchase that will allow the Student Accessibility Office to secure materials needed by the student in the appropriate format.

What types of alternative format reproduction are covered?

§  Braille

§  Tactile Graphics

§  Accessible audio

§  Digital text (e.g. Accessible Word documents, PDFs, etc.) 

§  Large Print 


Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services works to ensure accessibility of course materials for all students. The Chafee Amendment helps the university secure and/or convert materials to ensure access to individuals with print-related disabilities.

The Chafee Amendment[1]

Under 17 U.S.C. § 121, it is not an infringement of copyright laws for, “. . . authorized entities to reproduce or distribute copies or phonorecords of previously published literary or musical works in accessible formats exclusively for use by print-disabled.” Under this amendment, accessible reproduction of static, print material is allowed as long as three criteria are met[2]:

  1. not be reproduced or distributed in a format other than a specialized format exclusively for use by blind or other persons with disabilities;
  2. bear a notice that any further reproduction or distribution in a format other than a specialized format is an infringement; and
  3. include a copyright notice identifying the copyright owner and the date of the original publication.

What is an ‘authorized entity’[3]?

“. . . a nonprofit organization or a governmental agency that has a primary mission to provide specialized services relating to training, education, or adaptive reading or information access needs of blind or other persons with disabilities. . . ”

[1] The National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, 2019
[2] U.S. Copyright Office. (n.d.). Subject Matter and Scope of Copyright. Library of Congress. https://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.pdf
[3] U.S. Copyright Office. (n.d.). Subject Matter and Scope of Copyright. Library of Congress. https://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.pdf


The following form can be provided to your doctor to provide information about your diagnosed disability.

Verification Form (PDF File)


Disability documentation and related information is confidential. Only Student Accessibility professional staff may access these files. Registration with the Student Accessibility Office will not appear on transcripts.

Student educational records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Other protections are provided to students through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973).   

The Student Accessibility Office will not share a student’s disability-related information with university faculty or staff without the student’s consent. Disability Access Consultants will confirm registration and approved accommodations on a need-to-know basis.

The Student Accessibility Office will not disclose any student’s disability-related information or registration with the Student Accessibility Office with an employer or other outside organization without the student’s permission.

In the event a student needs information sent to a different institution, a Release of Information form will need to be completed to authorize information being sent that includes information about the receiving institution.  If you have not attended ASU for more than 7 years, we may no longer have disability documentation.  Disability documentation is not retained beyond 7 years from the time of last attending the University and based on Record Retention Schedules (PUR 213: Records Storage and Destruction and 20 U.S.C. 1232g, (FERPA)).