Notetaking accommodations are available for students with a number of different disabilities. Typically a student who receives notetaking accommodations has limitations with attention, processing, and/or a physical limitation. This accommodation is provided in a few ways including the use of assistive technology, the provision of materials in advance to facilitate the notetaking process, or by soliciting all the students who are registered in the course to find another student to take notes and share them with the registered Student Accessibility student. Notetakers are selected on a first come first serve basis. Please sign up early.
Notetaker application
Find the notetaker application here.
When an in class notetaker is needed, those students taking notes can select from two types of compensation

DRC will pay $25 per credit hour for a course, i.e. 3-credit class pays $75 at the end of the semester.
Notes submission
Notes can be delivered in three methods: hand delivered, emailed or uploaded to Connect. Uploaded notes will expedite notetaking payments.
Uploading notes, roles and responsibilities, and signing up
- Navigate to Student Login
- Click sign in.
- Then at the top of your screen you will see a black band below the ASU logo with two tabs (My Dashboard and Notetaker). Click on the Notetaker tab.
- On the left hand side you will see three tabs under the "Tools" section. Click on the sub-tab "Upload and View Notes".
- In the "File Information" box, go ahead and fill out the required information and upload your attached notes.
- Finally, click the upload notes button.
- Attend ALL classes.
- Take notes for all LECTURES, readings are the student’s responsibility.
- Provide notes within one day of the class.
- Communicate absences to the instructor and the student (where applicable).
- Respect the student’s Right to Privacy. Maintain respect and confidentiality through limiting discussion of disability related issues to those who need to know, Student Accessibility staff, instructor or the registered student.
- Navigate to Student Login
- Click Sign up as Note-taker.
- Complete notetaker registration.
- Once completed, click the “Sign In” link.
- Enter the 5-digit CRN number in the box to “Request a Notetaking Assignment”.
- Once selected you will receive an email asking for confirmation.
- Once confirmed you can upload notes.