University Center at West meeting room practices and procedures
Campus Departments may book space two academic years in advance, student organizations may book for the following academic year once registered with the Student Organization Office, and Non-University Organizations may book one year out. Reservations for regularly scheduled, for credit courses will not be accepted.
A Special Event Registry must be submitted 30 days prior to an event date if the event is considered a “special event.” Additional permits may be required based on the event details.
Student Organizations and ASU Departments may not reserve space for other organizations for the purpose of securing lower room rental rates and/or bypassing procedures. The organization or individual named on the reservation is the Client and is solely responsible for communicating with the Student Unions and Centers staff and initiating, planning, implementing, attending and financing the event in coordination with the University Center staff:
- The event must be requested by the Client who will be responsible for the event.
- The Client named on the reservation must be present at all required pre-event and planning meetings leading up to the event.
- The name of the ASU department or student organization hosting the event must be prominently displayed on all marketing materials.
- The Client or representatives from the organization must be on site during the event.
- The Client is responsible for paying all rental and support service fees resulting from the event.
- Clients may not sublet or in any way reserve space on behalf of another group.
- Clients found to be misrepresenting their event may lose reservation privileges.
Non-University Organizations (NUOs) not co-sponsored by an ASU entity will, at their own expense, procure and maintain, during the term, a policy of commercial general liability insurance in an amount of not less than one million dollars, ($1,000,000) single limit, against claims for bodily injury, death and property damage occurring in connection with their use of the space. This insurance must name the Arizona Board of Regents, Arizona State University and the State of Arizona as additional insureds. NUOs must provide ASU with a certificate evidencing this coverage no later than 10 days prior to use of space. NUOs conducting a small luncheon or dinner catered by UCB’s contracted in-house caterer may be excluded from this requirement.
A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total room rental is due sixty (60) days in advance for Non-University Organizations. Deposits are non-refundable regardless of the day and time that the initial reservation was made.
Clients may book a series meeting limited to one (1) room per week, up to four (4) consecutive hours, including any desired set-up time. Groups that run over their allotted time more than once per semester will be assessed the room charge for the appropriate category.
Ballrooms, fields or courtyards are not available for series reservations.
Room charges will be added to all reservations for conferences, cultural performances, tournaments, fundraisers and all events where a fee could potentially be charged to guests and/or recruiters/exhibitors. The room charges may be waived upon receipt of a program prior to the event date showing that there is no registration fee, ticket charge, required donation, or other payment to attend the event. At least 60% of the attendees must be affiliated with Arizona State University (current student, faculty or staff), another institution of higher education or on a K-12 educational institution sponsored visit or a room charge will apply. Clients must pre-sell tickets; ticket sales are not allowed at the door. University Center at West reserves the right to verify attendee affiliation by requesting copies of a registration list, guest list or by checking guest identification to ensure adherence to this policy.
Clients will be allowed to hold two (2) dates for the same event while in the planning process. Depending on the size of the room(s) and the demand for space, clients will clients will only be permitted to retain holds for a maximum of two (2) weeks.
University Center at West reserves the right to change location and/or cancel an event or meeting when necessary. Every effort will be made to notify the client in advance and to accommodate the client in an alternate location.
University Center at West does not accept reservations from any organization with outstanding payments due to ASU. All organizations with outstanding payments will not be able to reserve space and any current or pending reservations will be subject to cancellation if any payments are deemed to be in a delinquent status.
Student organizations hosting a major event will have additional requirements as outlined by the University or the Student Organizations Office.
Conditions of use
In order to accommodate as many clients as possible, University Center at West reserve rooms based on maximum seating, individual event need and the information provided by the organization submitting the request. Room charges will be incurred for clients when event attendance does not utilize the room effectively or if it is determined that the reserved space was not used according to the purpose it was reserved.
Meeting rooms on the second floor of the UCB are not designed to host events that need space for physical activities.
Rooms/spaces must be left clean, free of damage and in the set-up reserved. Clients are prohibited from moving or rearranging the furniture and will be assessed a fee if the set-up is changed. If damage occurs in a room and/or there is a loss of equipment, the responsible group/party will be assessed the full replacement/repair costs.
Any group leaving an excessive amount of materials or trash will be assessed a minimum fee of $100 for clean-up. This includes decorations, catering items, etc. Additionally, any labor deemed necessary to return a venue to its original state after the conclusion of an event will be assessed and charged to the reserving organization.
UCB 240, UCB 262, UCB 261, and Verde Dining Pavilion (VDP) Executive Dining Room are unique spaces that require the use of the existing tables and chairs.
Requests for changes to the regular set of any venue outside of its regular standard or available setup will incur a $50 fee.
Charges will apply for changes to the room during the event, unusual room setups, extensive staging and other requests that incur additional labor.
Clients are responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable fire codes. Designated maximum capacity for any event will not be exceeded at any time. Exit aisles, staircases, fire alarm systems and emergency exits may not be blocked at any time.
Film, Photography & Videography
Filming (which includes photo, motion picture, video recording, or written or spoken statements) requires advance approval by ASU and must comply with ASU's Filming policy. Additional resources can be found at ASU Filming and Photography.
Whether to permit photography, visual recording, and/or audio recording in any ASU event space is at the discretion of the client, who may determine whether to permit recording at the event. ASU encourages clients who want to restrict recording at their event to post notice of this restriction outside of the event space where the notice can be clearly observed upon entrance as well as inside the event space and, where appropriate, to announce restrictions at the beginning of any event.
Current ASU students may request to film in the University Center Building for class projects, but must request permission/approval prior to filming. Student Filming application and resources can be found here.
Set Up Time, Rehearsals and Inclement Weather
Clients may proactively request an additional venue in the event of inclement weather. Rooms held as a backup, cancelled 48 business days prior will not be assessed a fee. Any additional room requested the day of an event in response to inclement weather will be assessed the appropriate labor charge associated with setting the room.
Due to the high demand for space, requests for rehearsal times and client set-up are limited to two (2) hours at a time convenient to the operation of the University Center Building. Requests for additional time will be reserved if available. Requests for an additional two (2) to four (4) hours may incur a partial rental fee.
Catering and Food
The University Center Building has an in-house catering service. No other off-site companies may cater in the building. All catering must be set up inside the reserved space. Food buffets are not permitted in the hallways. For additional information regarding the University’s guidelines pertaining to food and catering at events please visit Food Safety and Health.
Guests are not permitted to cook foods during events or in the facility. This includes any foods that are cooked, sliced, temperature controlled (via hot or cold holding).
Audio visual
To maintain audio quality in all reservable spaces, the capacity of the room will dictate how many microphones are allotted per space. Any additional microphones outside of what we are able to provide, must be coordinated with another ASU department or third party technical support. For specific information on individual spaces, please work with your event coordinator.
UCB audio systems only accommodate the following uses; speech, presentation audio, video playback and background music. Any usage outside of what is listed, such as a DJ or live performance, will require audio equipment that is supplied by another ASU department or third party technical support. All audio in the meeting rooms, regardless of source, must stay at or below the acceptable sound level as determined by the Building Manager (roughly 70 dB or below).
Loading, Shipping, Storage and Parking
Groups requesting storage of materials will be required to reserve a room if available and pay the appropriate room charge. The University Center Building cannot accept drop and go shipments and delivery companies must deliver to the reserved room. The University Center Building does not facilitate outgoing shipments. Clients hosting events with a large volume of shipments may be required to work with ASU Mail Services or an off-campus expo company.
Clients needing to unload items at the University Center Building loading dock must make arrangements with Parking and Transit Services. For visitor parking in campus lots must be made with Parking and Transit Services, (602) 543-3252. UCB does not have any control of the parking availability or charges. University Center at West does not validate parking.
Decorations, Signage and Displays
Signage and décor must be free standing or placed on tabletops. Items are not permitted to be taped or attached to any walls, windows, doors etc. of the room/building. Post-it style, self-adhesive note pad paper may be used on the blank walls inside the meeting rooms. Limited signage may be placed in areas pre-approved by University Center at West staff and must stand on its own or be placed on an approved sign holder.
The use of glitter, confetti and lit candles are prohibited in the University Center Building.
Displays, sales, exhibits, vendor information and other activity may take place inside meeting rooms only, for the duration of the event.
Balloons are permitted if they are permanently affixed to a display/mount. The client is responsible for removing and disposing of all balloons after an event. If helium balloons are released for any reason within the facility, labor costs associated with the removal of the balloons will be charged to the client.
Cancellations and No Shows
Thirty days’ notice is required for cancellation of reservations for the La Sala Ballroom. Cancellations received after that time will be subject to a percentage fee of the applicable category room charge as follows: 15 to 30 days- 50%, 8 to 14 days- 75%, 0 to 7 days- 100%. Fees apply regardless of the time the initial booking was made.
Seven (7) full working days’ notice is required for cancellation of reservations in the following rooms: UCB 240, UCB 241, UCB 265, UCB 266. Cancellations received after that time will be subject to a $50 late cancellation fee per room reserved.
No shows and underutilization of room capacities are subject to a full room charge of the applicable rate category.
Late Requests
A minimum of ten (10) business days is required to reserve a ballroom and other large and/or outdoor programming spaces. A minimum of seven (7) business days is required for conference rooms. Details for large, elaborate or unusual sets must be received a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the event date in order to be accommodated.
Late requests for ballrooms and other large programming spaces will incur a late fee equal to the rate associated with the appropriate Category Schedule. Late requests for conference rooms will incur a $50 late request fee per room. Requests received with less than three (3) days’ notice may not be able to be accommodated.
Accommodated changes (major or extensive) requested less than seven (7) working days prior to the event will incur a charge of $50 per request. Accommodated late requests to existing reservations made day of or less than one (1) working days’ notice will be incur a charge of $100 per request.
Final event details should be received seven (7) business days prior to the scheduled event. Additional requests after this deadline cannot be guaranteed.
University Center at West Tabling Policy
University Center at West has tables, chairs, and a sound system available for use in tabling spaces that it reserves on campus. One (1) table and two (2) chairs will be delivered no less than 15 minutes prior to a tabling reservation.
Any group not present by the start of the tabling reservation will receive a courtesy phone call, and any group that does not arrive by the start of the reservation or respond to attempts to contact the client, will forfeit the tabling spot for that day and will be charged a $10 tabling forfeit fee. All reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.
The sound system is a self-serve unit that can be picked up at the University Center at West information desk in the University Center Building 30 minutes prior to the tabling reservation start time and must be returned to the same desk no later than 30 minutes after the end of the requests. Sound equipment must be signed out by an individual identified by the student organization. When signed out, the student organization is confirming financial responsibility for any damages or replacement of equipment required due to the groups use. One (1) extension cord will be provided.
Group’s future tabling reservations and ability to request additional tabling space will be suspended until all applicable penalties have been paid in full.
University Center at West Outdoor Space Use Policy
University Center at West reservable outdoor space is intended for use by Arizona State University and its affiliates only. University Center at West reserve the right to request appropriate identification at any time.
Events in outdoor spaces require a Special Event Registration to be submitted with Arizona State University.
During approved Arizona State University activities, outdoor space will not be available for drop-in use.
- Solicitors, sales persons, or canvassers seeking student contact may not use the University Center at West reservable outdoor venues or space for sales or solicitations unless prior approval has been granted by the Director of Student Unions and Centers or designee. This includes the distribution of any materials, handbills, flyers or literature with the intention to promote the purchase of items or services. Individuals engaged in such activities will be asked to relocate to non-reservable space on campus.
Set-ups for stages, tents, fences, etc. should be an appropriate distance from sprinkler heads and trees to avoid damage. Staking of tents, canopies or other equipment is prohibited without prior approval. No signage or ropes of any kind may be attached to trees. Absolutely no posting allowed on trees, plants, or objects in the landscape, lamp posts, exterior or interior walls, sidewalks, benches, windows, or other surfaces not specifically designed for posting printed materials.
Sponsoring organizations are responsible for the removal of all equipment and trash by the end of the reservation time and are responsible for returning that area to the same condition it was prior to its use.
Events that negatively impact outdoor spaces “wear and tear”, will incur additional fees.
Special arrangements must be made with the University Center at West to drive or park vehicles on the premises. Fire lanes must be accessible at all times. Vehicles may be driven only onto designated areas of outdoor spaces to deliver items
No person shall injure, deface, remove, cut or damage any of the trees, plants, shrubs, turf, or structures therein. The reserving party will be responsible for the repair and replacement of all damages.
Sound levels at outdoor events must stay within the decibel range acceptable for the day/time based on City of Phoenix code. Failure to stay within sound limitations may result in immediate termination of the event.
Abandoned Property
Any property not claimed within 48 hours following the conclusion of an event/meeting will be considered abandoned by the reserving group and/or individual. Student Unions and Centers may dispose of the items at their discretion. The reserving group and/or individual shall be liable for any cost incurred in disposing of the abandoned property.
Academic Classes
Academic classes are not permitted to reserve or hold class sessions in the Student Unions and Centers.
Service Animals
Individuals with disabilities may be accompanied by their service animals on all ASU campuses where members of the public or participants in services, programs, or activities are allowed access. Individuals with disabilities are responsible for their service animal and the university may exclude service animals under certain circumstances. By law, a service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals. See Student Services Manual SSM 701-06 for additional information.
Emotional Support animals, comfort animals and therapy dogs are not considered service animals and are not permitted in the Student Unions.
Non-University Organizations that are affiliated with an ASU department or student organization may utilize the University Center Building (UCB) when school is in session by obtaining co-sponsorship. The ASU group must be the primary organizer of the event with a person assigned to coordinate event details, assume financial responsibility and have students, faculty, or staff participating in the event. They must also provide a letter from the department head, or organization president and advisor, stating how the event furthers the mission of the organization or of Arizona State University.
Fronting is not permitted and is defined as an eligible University student organizations and/or department reserving space for another person and/or group in an attempt to avoid required monetary or other contractual obligations. This includes hiding or intentionally concealing the identity of the true client due to non-eligibility for use of facilities. Departments and organizations found to be fronting will be charged the maximum applicable rate and subject to the loss of reservation privileges.
Extension of Building Hours
Student Union and Center facilities maintain regular hours of operation during the academic year and operate under adjusted hours during spring, summer, and winter breaks. The University Center Building hours may be extended to accommodate events at a fee of $75 per hour with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice and University Center Building staff approval.
Disruptive, Threatening or Violent Behavior
Students, faculty, staff, and other individuals do not have an unqualified right of access to university grounds, property, or services. Guests who are disruptive will be asked to leave the facility. Interfering with the peaceful conduct of university-related business or activities or remaining on campus grounds after a request to leave may be considered a crime. For more information, see Student Services Manual SSM-104-02.
Guests are not permitted to sit on tables or other furnishings not designed for typical seating.
Petitioning, Distributing and Posting of Literature
Petitioning and distributing literature is not permitted inside any Student Unions and Centers buildings except in conjunction with the use of meeting rooms. No materials of any kind may be posted or set on walls, windows, doors, tables, restroom stalls, or any other unauthorized portion of the Student Unions and Centers buildings.
Printed material is accepted based on availability of space on a first-come first-serve basis and must be for university-sponsored events, university department services, or university affiliated business partners.
Individuals and groups posting or distributing approved material must follow directions from university staff regarding interpretation and compliance with petitioning, distributing, and posting policies. For more information, see Student Services Manual SSM-801-04.
Lost and Found
Student Unions and Centers buildings are not responsible for lost, found, or damaged articles belonging to individuals and/or organizations using the building or for lost or found items on campus.
Items found on campus will be kept at the Student Unions and Centers Information Desk of the respective campus. To claim an item, individuals must present current photo ID and a physical description of the item.
Items not claimed within 60 days will be donated to a charitable organization or disposed of in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes § 12– 941 to –946.
The following items are kept for 60 days:
- backpacks, bags such as purses, camera bags, and duffel bags
- binders, folders, and notebooks and books such as textbooks and course readers
- cell phones, flash drives, keys
- clothing such as jackets, pants, shirts, skirts, hats and sweaters
- electronics such as calculators, headphones, computer cords, and handheld radio/music players
- sunglasses and eyeglasses including prescription and reading
- identification cards, credit cards and wallets
- jewelry such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, and watches and any other items of value or importance.
For sanitary reasons, the following items are not accepted:
- all undergarments and clothing of a personal nature
- all personal hygiene items such as hair clips, hair brushes, make-up, lotions, and hair products
- all footwear and items such as shoes, sandals, socks, and high heels
- all contact lenses, contact lens solutions, and ear plugs
- all towels or cloths of personal use
- all edible items and items that contain food or liquids such as lunch boxes, bottles, and mugs
- all chemical and medical items such as cleaning solutions and prescription drugs and any other items that area deemed unsanitary.
Note: Due to limited storage, miscellaneous documents and photographs are disposed of.
Gambling and Raffles
Gambling is prohibited and ASU departments and administrative units are not permitted to conduct raffles. For information pertaining to conditions under which organizations can conduct raffles visit Office of General Counsel.
Banned Items and Activities
Illegal drugs, firearms, and gambling in any form are prohibited in Student Unions and Centers. Roller blades, roller skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters, and the use of those items within Student Unions and Centers are prohibited.
Use of candles and incense is prohibited, except for ceremonial purposes and only upon approval of the Student Unions and Centers Administration at the appropriate location and receipt of a permit from ASU Environmental Health & Safety. For more information, see Student Services Manual SSM-801-01.Alcohol
An alcohol permit is required to serve alcohol on campus. The forms are available on the ASU Police at least 3 weeks prior to the event. Cash bars and off-campus events with charges will not be approved.
Alcohol may be served or consumed only at designated special events as authorized by Arizona Board of Regents’ policy 5-108(A)(4), “Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus” and Student Services Manual SSM 106–03.
Amplification is allowed 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday; and 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday. Amplification is not allowed on Sundays. Bands with full drum kits need prior approval from the reserving department. Amplification may not exceed 75 decibels at 30 feet. Amplification is permitted with reservation in designated areas only.
Smoking, defined as the burning of, inhaling from, exhaling the smoke from, the possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, water pipes or any other matter or substance which contains tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked, or inhaling or exhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic smoking device is prohibited in the facility.
Electronic smoking devices are defined as devices that simulate smoke through inhalation of vapor or aerosol from the device, including e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vape pens, and all forms of smoking tobacco. For more information, see Policy ACD804.