
ASU K-12 Resources

Access ASU

ASU Prep Digital

ASU for You

ASU offers a personalized learning pathway for Universal Learners® to follow their passions and explore their purpose. Here, you can earn badges, certificates and more as you broaden your skill sets.

ASU Virtual Tours


ASU Live-hosted virtual experience

Virtual Experience ASU visits are held through Zoom. These are live sessions with ASU enrollment and academic team members who will be able to answer your questions. Every session will go over the admission and enrollment processes, with different additional sessions available throughout the week.

ASU Art Mueseum: #VirtualVisits

Ready to #museumfromhome with the ASU Art Museum? Follow it on social media, where the staff is sharing #virtualvisits everyday so you don’t miss out on your culture fix. Find your favorite spot on the couch, relax and enjoy!